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————Hazel's POV————

I got discharged today and Xavier won't allow me to go back to my home. He insisted that I should stay in his house because there's high probability that some other people would come for me.

I was happy to see Anne and other workers in Xavier's house.

I now share a room with Xavier. He has created a space for me where I can put my stuffs.

I was watching the beautiful evening view from the balcony when Xavier came in, hugged me from behind and placed a soft kiss on my neck.

I turned to face him and before I could do anything or say anything, he had already placed another kiss on my cheek "what are you doing?" he asked, hugging my waist.

"I was just watching the beautiful view", I said. "Will you like to do that with a cup of coffee?" he asked and I nodded my head.

In no time, he came back with two cups of coffee and he sat down beside me on the sofa, he pulled me in for a hug and gave me my coffee.

I sipped my coffee and it really tasted good. "this is nice" I complemented with a thumbs up. "Oh! Really? Thank you", he said with a smile.

He caressed my birthmark with his thumb and and he kissed it gently.

"Are you ready to hear my confession?" His voice was calm and his eyes were focused on me. "Yes I am", I answered, curious to know what he had been hiding.

He told me that he's a mafia and not just a mafia, the king of mafia. He told me about our fathers' relationship, his father's last words/ wish, how I was given birth to in an orphanage home, how he lost his mother in a car accident, what he went through before he could finally have me.

It was so heartbreaking to hear the pains he had gone through to survive in life after the death of both of his parents and searching for me.

"I'm really glad that I'm able to fulfil my father's last wish", he said and smiled. I moved closer to him and gave him a deep hug and kiss on his forehead.

He heaved a deep sigh and said "I finally have Hazel Wilson here with me, My KEY" he continued as I played with his hair.

"I kidnapped you before to fulfil my father's wish, but now to fulfil my wish of making you mine alone and my life partner". This made me blush so hard to the extent that my face became red. I love those words.

He took my hand in his and stared at me "Hazel Trueblood Wilson, will you be Xavier Grey's life partner"? he asked, I blushed and said yes.

He ran his hand through my hair and tilted my face, he moved his lips closer to mine "What are you doing?" My voice sounded choked and my heart was beating faster.

"I'm only going to kiss you", he replied and I noticed the smile in his voice as he bent his face towards mine.

He kissed me like it was what he was created to do. He tasted like strawberries. His lips were soft.

He kissed gently at first, then deep as I selfishly drank him all in. He mistakenly bit my lips, traced my collarbone with his lips and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud.

It felt so amazing and lovely. He used his second hand to grab my breast and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his member rising in pleasure.

I reached for his zip but he stopped. " It's not what you can handle at the moment", he said and he carried me inside, placed me gently on the bed and he went to the bathroom.

—————Xavier's POV—————
All I want now is just to take it down with her but I can't. I'm afraid of hurting her.

It's been five years since I last fucked. I was forced to stop hooking up with girls since the demise of my father.

I might not be able to control myself if we start and I'm not sure if she will be able to handle it and I doubt if she has ever done it before.

My demon has risen as a result of the kiss we had earlier.

I showered and went to lay beside her on the bed. She was still awake. It seemed like she was waiting for me. When I lay next to her, she moved closer to me and we cuddled before she slept off.

————Hazel's POV————

I opened my eyes gently and stretched my hand to the side where Xavier slept to touch him, but I couldn't feel a human being. I sat up and looked around the room to find it empty.

I stood up from the bed and went to check him in the bathroom and he wasn't there as well. He might have woken up earlier and gone downstairs. I thought to myself.

I brushed my teeth and took my bath before putting on  black shorts and a big white shirt. I went downstairs to the dining room  to find Xavier, Luke and Michelle there already.

Michelle and Luke were cooking while Xavier was busy talking to someone over the phone.

I was told that the workers were on leave today. I exchanged pleasantries with Michelle and Luke. I helped with washing the dishes they used. Michelle won't stop complaining about Luke. She said she doesn't know how to cook.

Xavier finally ended the call. He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek as he greeted me. "Good morning angel" he said and I greeted him back with my voice filled with happiness.

I'm finally with the man I love so much. I thought it was one-sided love before.

Xavier and Luke headed to work immediately when we finished eating.

Another chapter down. Thanks for reading 😘
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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