Florence: hey tom.
Florence: heyyyyyy asshole
Florence: HEY
Tom: Hi.
Florence: can i ask you a question
Tom: Yes...
Florence: i heard you and pretty little violet were making out like theres no tomorrow at jacks party when you mysteriously stormed off before you could get to the good part if you know what i mean wink wink shrug shrug ;)
Tom: Are you drunk?
Florence: no, im fab. fab as a fish in water
Florence: or out
Florence: here you can have one
Tom: The hell is that!?!
Florence: its a japanese text fish oh wow you are thicker than i thought you were
Tom: You know that whenever you drink excessive amounts of alcohol this happens. I always have to pretend I don't know you.
Florence: whatever its fucking freezing inside my soul right now so im warming up the joints with a bit of juice
Florence: laced with kickpower alcohol
Florence: now come pick me up youre late
Tom: You never asked for me to pick you up! And who told you I was with Violet?
Florence: does it matter if i didnt ask you to pick me up your gonna do it anyway and as for violet
Florence: im a fucking psychic genius
Tom: I swear to God I will murder you.
Florence: that is breaking one of the ten commandments, thomas reginald winston. congrats to you youre going to hell.
Tom: Congrats to you, Florence Hattie Stellens. Finally working out how to use a full stop.
Florence: oh hahaha. ok im not psychic i was just playing with ya. it was a birdy, thats who. rumour birdy told everyone. you gonna confirm it?
Tom: Can you capitalise your letters and place apostrophes when you need them, please. It's really annoying me. And no, I'm not going to confirm it. And I need your address to come pick you up.
Florence: hmmm i dunno maybe youre a stalker
Florence: or maybe a molester
Tom: Please, just tell me your damn location!
Florence: fine, fine. im just up the road, at the pub
Florence: in the rain
Florence: and its fark
Florence: dark
Florence: and im all alone
Florence: all by myself
Florence: (dont wanna be)
Florence: all by myself
Tom: Alright, I'm coming. Patience!
Florence: patience is for losers
Florence: l-shaped finger on my head right now loser-boy
Florence: and you better be quick cos im fairly certain im getting severe hypothermia right now
Florence: tom?
Florence: tom??
Florence: ...........
Florence: oh you little prick