Chapter 1

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Amoha was nestled deeply in her bed, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. The sun had climbed high in the sky, its rays streaming through the gaps in her curtains, but still, she slept. It was already 2 PM, and the house was bustling with the day's activities, except for the peaceful sanctuary of Amoha' s room.

Her mother, Veena, had been pacing the kitchen for the past half hour, glancing at the clock and shaking her head in disbelief. She had already tried calling Amoha' s name a few times, each attempt growing louder, but there had been no response. Finally, with a determined set to her jaw, Veena grabbed the jug of water from the kitchen counter and made her way upstairs.

Amoha's door creaked open, and Veena stood at the threshold, her eyes narrowing as she took in her daughter's peaceful slumber. Without a moment's hesitation, she walked over to the bed, lifted the jug, and poured the cold water directly onto Amoha's face.

Amoha awoke with a startled gasp, flailing her arms as she tried to make sense of the sudden, icy assault. "Mummyyyyy!!! ye kya kiya aapne???"  ("MOM! What are you doing?" ) she shouted, her voice breaking with a mixture of shock and indignation.

Veena crossed her arms and fixed Amoha with a stern look. "Good after noon devi ji , poora din bass sone ka plan hai kya?? 2 bajj gaya hai already!!!!"
("Good afternoon, Sleeping Beauty. Did you plan to sleep the entire day away? It's already 2 PM!")

Amoha wiped her face with the corner of her blanket, still shivering. "I was tired! I needed rest!" she protested.

"Tired from what? Staying up all night on your phone?" Veena retorted. "This is not how I raised you, Amoha. Do you think success comes to those who waste half their day in bed?"

Amoha groaned, her frustration mounting. "Mom, please! Just let me sleep a little longer."

Veena's eyes flashed with irritation. "A little longer? The day is almost over! What about your responsibilities? Your studies? You talk about achieving great things, but how do you expect to do that when you can't even get out of bed?"

Amoha sat up, her hair dripping wet and clinging to her face. "I know, Mom. I know. But I'm just so tired."

"And do you think life will wait for you to rest? Do you think the world will stop turning because Amoha needs more sleep?" Veena's tone softened slightly, but her words remained sharp. "Discipline, my dear. Discipline and dedication. These are the pillars of success. You can't afford to be lazy."

Amoha sighed, realizing that her mother was not going to let this go easily. "Alright, alright. I'm up."

Veena nodded, satisfied that her point had been made. "Good. Now get yourself cleaned up and come downstairs. We have a lot to do today, and you need to catch up on your studies. And clean up this mess," she added, gesturing to the now-soaked bed and the puddle forming on the floor.

Amoha looked at the wet bedspread and the growing pool of water, her irritation flaring again. "You poured the water, Mom. You should clean it up."

Veena raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me? This is your room, Amoha. Your responsibility. Clean it up and then come downstairs. No arguments."

"But, Mom—"

"No buts. This room looks like a hurricane hit it. Books everywhere, clothes on the floor. I can't even see your desk under all that clutter."

Amoha glanced around her room, her sanctuary and her chaos. Every surface was covered in books, some stacked neatly, others in haphazard piles. Her desk was indeed buried under a mountain of notebooks, pens, and novels. Shelves lined the walls, crammed with more books, their spines showing the variety of her interests—from classic literature to contemporary fiction. Posters of her favorite authors and literary quotes adorned the walls, peeking out between the stacks of books.

With a resigned sigh, Amoha threw off her blanket and got out of bed. She grabbed a towel to start soaking up the water. "Fine, I'll clean it up. But this is so unfair."

The sternness in Veena's eyes softening. "Life isn't always fair, Amoha. But it's how we deal with it that matters. Now hurry up. We have a busy day ahead."

As her mother left the room, Amoha muttered under her breath, "Great, just what I needed." She began to mop up the water, glancing at her books and wondering when she'd have time to get back to them. Despite her grumbling, she knew her mother was right. Discipline and dedication were important, even if it meant cleaning up a mess she didn't make.

Amoha had just finished mopping up the last of the water when she heard her mother's voice booming up the stairs.

"Amoha! Hurry up and take a shower!" Veena's voice carried a tone of impatience mixed with authority.

Amoha rolled her eyes, still annoyed. "Mom, you already poured water on me. I think I'm clean enough!" she shouted back.

There was a brief silence, followed by the sound of footsteps stomping up the stairs. Veena appeared at Amoha's door, her face a mixture of disbelief and frustration. "Amoha, brushing your teeth and taking a proper shower are not optional. It's basic hygiene!"

Amoha sighed and slumped down on her still-damp bed. "You already gave me an unexpected shower, Mom. Isn't that enough?"

Veena placed her hands on her hips, her expression stern. "And who's going to brush your teeth? The water I poured on you doesn't count as a shower. It's sweltering hot outside, and you haven't bathed since yesterday. Do you have any idea how important it is to stay clean, especially in this heat? Chii, have some shame!"

Amoha groaned and got up from the bed, dragging her feet towards the bathroom. "Fine, fine. I'm going. But just because you won't stop nagging."

Veena shook her head with frustration. "It's not nagging, it's caring. Now hurry up. You'll feel better after a nice shower, trust me."

Amoha grumbled under her breath as she closed the bathroom door. "Feels more like torture," she muttered. But as the cool water washed over her, she had to admit, even if only to herself, that her mother was right.

To be continued........

Heyaaa Sweetiess!!!! loveee yaaaaa!!!! 

So here's the first part.... it's earlier because many of you sent dms on Instagram for this!!!
ahh literally i served my whole grammar while writing this so that there should be no mistake >
Do let me know if u guyss want improvement?
And also This story is going to be Really funny sooner as I've already planned many scenesss ......
ahhh I'm so excited to write them out but I'm student too....but donn worry next part will be out soon  and  want me to complete the story in slow burn ???????

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