Incorrect quotes 1 sparrow and apple white mostly

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This book isn't incorrect quote book
Where I am going to post a whole bunch of rare pairings and ships that I like in incorrect quote form

Sparrow hood: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?
Apple white: Nope, there's 26.
Sparrow hood: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.
Apple white: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.
Sparrow hood: You'll get the D later ;).

Apple white: Know why I called you in here?
Sparrow hood: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic.
Apple white: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally?
Apple white: What are you in the mood for?
Sparrow hood: World domination.
Apple white: That's a bit ambitious.
Sparrow hood: You are my world.
Apple white: Aww...
Sparrow hood:
Apple white:
Sparrow hood:
Apple white: OH.

Apple white: Hey, I'm getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?
Sparrow hood: ...Have you never taken a shower before?

Apple white: Wow, Sparrow hood, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.
Sparrow hood: We literally slept together yesterday.
Apple white: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.

Sparrow hood: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I'd get way too into it.

Apple white: What- how?

Sparrow hood: You'd be like "come to bed ... Mr. President" and I'd be like, "I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18."


Sparrow hood: Wait, what's going on? Are we all talking about how hot Apple white is? Because Apple white is a straight up sexual fox riding a red-hot nuclear bombshell right toward the yowza plaza in the heart of Babe City, Assachusetts, U S A. The last A just stands for more ass.
(is this is not something that he would say I don't know what is)

Apple white: Oh look who got laid last night.

Sparrow hood: That's right chumps, missionary accomplished!

Apple white: If you had too, what would you give up food or sex?
Sparrow hoo: Sex.
Raven Queen: Seriously, answer faster.
Sparrow hoo: I'm sorry honey, when they said sex I wasn't thinking about sex with you.
Raven Queen: It's like a giant hug.
Apple white: Dexter charming, what about you? What would you give up sex or food?
Dexter charming: Food.
Apple white: Okay, how about sex or dinosaurs?
Dexter charming: Oh my God it's like the movie Sophie's Choice.
Alistair Wonderland: What about you Ashlyn Ella? What would you give up sex or food?
Ashlyn Ella: Oh... um... I don't know, it's too hard.
Alistair Wonderland: No, you gotta pick one.
Ashlyn Ella: Um, food... no, sex... no, food... sex... food. Ugh! I don't know! I want both! I- I want hot people on bread!

Raven Queen: So, Ashlyn Ella is late today. Anyone wanna bet why?
Raven Queen: I say they slipped through the subway grate and is having terrible sex with the mole man.
Dexter charming: I don't know about that...I think either their alarm clock didn't go off, or they're in line at the bank.
Sparrow hood: Take this more seriously! Ashlyn Ella was clearly taken in their sleep!
Apple white: I bet they tucked themselves into the bed too tightly and got stuck.
Alistair Wonderland: Maybe they fell into another dimension where they're more interesting...?
*Ashlyn Ella arrives*
Ashlyn Ella: Sorry I'm late - there was a problem at the bank.
Dexter charming, clapping their hands in excitement: HOT DAMN!
Raven Queen: How much you wanna bet Dexter charming got a Lap dance from Ashlyn Ella?
Sparrow hood: If that happened, Apple white can drink free tonight.
Apple white: As much as I love the thought of having free drinks I don't like the idea of Dexter charming receiving a Lap dance from someone other than me.
Raven Queen: Hey Ashlyn Ella, did you give Dexter charming a lap dance?
Ashlyn Ella: So what if I did?
Raven Queen, to Sparrow hoo: I guess Apple white is drinking free tonight.
Ashlyn Ella: Be right back, I'm gonna go cry-
Dexter charming, entering the room: What the f-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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