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"Could I go to the electronics store? I want to see what music they've got." Sweets asks as Bones picks him up from school.

"Maybe after you do your homework. It's very important to get your work done before you indulge in "fun" stuff." She says driving off.

"But it's not due until two weeks from now. I might not even be at this school in two weeks." He rebuts.

"It doesn't matter. Learning something extra won't hurt. If you do the same assignment at your new school, you'll be better prepared to do well on it. Also, if you don't change schools, you'll get in trouble for not doing the work." She states.

"I don't even have to do it. I'll get a good enough grade even if I miss one assignment." He huffs.

"Imagine if you really dedicated yourself, you could excel and reach the top of your class. The higher your score, the better the college you'll be able to attend." She says upset.

"Yeah and let me guess, you went to a good college? Look at you now. You run a small empty bookshop that doesn't get any customers. You don't even interact with the ones you do get." He yells.

"Lance!" She stops the car, arriving in front of the shop. She turns to him and stares in disbelief. This was her brother? How could he be so lax in his studies? She sighs as she realises he's still going through a rough time on top of his teenage years. He's already been through so much.

He growls at her once he sees her keeping her calm. "Whatever!" He says getting out and slamming the door. He hikes his backpack onto his back and walks into the store.

Bones sees him wave off Angela. She takes a deep breath before getting out of the car. She walks in, not looking over at the boy and walks to the backroom.

Angela quickly follows her back. "What did you do to him?" She asks.

Bones sighs. "We disagreed about the importance of homework, but I think he'll be fine." She turns to the paperwork in front of her.

Angela hums sceptically before turning to get back to work.


"Uh, hey Angela. Bones said if I did some of my homework I could go to the electronics store." Sweets says softly walking towards the lady.

"Did she? Some of it?" She looks at him sceptical.

"Yeah, it's not due for a couple of weeks. I did like half of it already. See." He says holding up his book.

She hums before shrugging. "Alright. But don't be too long."

He smiles at her, quickly putting away his stuff and moving his bag behind the counter. "See ya!"

He quickly walks down the street and across the road into the small, outdated-looking store. Walking in a small bell chimes alerting the man in the centre of the store.

"Hey there buddy! Looking for anything in particular?" The tall well-built man asks.

"Uh, not really just wanted to check out your music collection." The younger man says.

The guy smiles and waves him over. "CDs are over here. Vinyl is one asle back." He says walking over to the left. "What's your taste?"

"Uh, well..."

"I know. Maybe you're a metal guy, huh? All teens are. What about some classics? Metallica? Black Sabbath?" The guy says, picking out some albums.

"Ah, yeah actually. I've already got that album." Sweets says happily as he looks through the rack.


"Angela, where is Sweets?" Bones asks walking into the front of the shop.

"He went to Booth's." Finn says looking up from his comic.

"What?" Bones asks looking between the young boy and the lady.

"He said you told him he could if he did some of his homework. He did half of the one that's due in a few weeks. He showed me it. I thought he could use the cheering up so I let him." She explains.

"Angela, we discussed it but I never gave him permission. Did he not complete his work?" Bones groans.

Angela shrugs. "Sorry, I didn't know."

Bones sighs. "It's ok. I'll just go and get him."


"You from around here? I don't think I recognise you. Or maybe you've got strict parents." The guy says turning to the curly-haired boy.

"Actually I'm sort of new. I'm-" Sweets was cut off.

"Sweets! I never said you could run off like that. You didn't even tell me where you were going." Bones says walking into the store.

The boy groans. The man's face lights up before falling in confusion. Looking between the two people in his store. "Bones!" He fakes a smile. "Why are you yelling at my customer?"

The boy freezes as the woman gets closer. "Because he's my responsibility and he's supposed to be doing his homework in my store."

"Someone put you in charge of a teenager?" The man asks.

"I am more than capable of taking care of another human being, Booth." She says crossing her arms.

"Sure you are. Well if you will excuse us, I was trying to sell this young man some music." He says turning away. He leans into the boy. "If she kidnapped you blink twice." He whispers.

"She's my sister." The boy responds, also in a whisper.

"Damn, I feel sorry for you." The man says louder.

"You two can't ignore me. Sweets, we're leaving." She says grabbing his arm.

"Hey, hey hey. Calm down. Look I'm sure he'll get it done when he needs to. Surly he has time. Right?" The man tries to bargain.

"Yeah, it's not due for two weeks." Sweets butts in.

"See, two weeks. He's fine." Booth says with a smile.

Bones sighs. "Fine, whatever, but it needs to be done on time." She says taking a step back.

"Good. Now can we talk about how you two are related?" Booth asks.

"You told him?" She asks betrayed.

"Y-yeah, sorry I didn't know you wanted to keep it... Me a secret." Sweets says looking down.

"I- No, Sweets... I just meant you told a stranger. And especially him." Bones explains.

"Hey, what's wrong with me?" Booth asks offended.

"Is that a rhetorical question?"

"Oh, your Booth! Angela told me about you. She said you were one of the normal people." Sweets says innocently.

"Yeah, and I have to put up with her." He says pointing at the woman.

"Angela was right." Sweets laughs.

The man and woman stop their staring contest to look at him. "What?" They say simultaneously.

"Nothing don't worry. Bones could I stay here a little longer? I want to take a proper look. I'll come back soon though. Maybe after I go to the café." Sweets says smiling.

She sighs again. "Okay, I guess, but please be back before we close. I don't want to have to return here." She says before walking out.

"Again, I feel sorry for you." Booth says.

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