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She looks up from her phone, brows furrowing slightly as she recognizes the voice coming from behind her bedroom door, along with the soft sound of a knock against the wood.

Dropping her phone against her pillow, she hurries up to the door. Hand reaching for the door knob and a click resonates through the hallway.

"Jude?" She whispers, heat immediately creeping up to her face when she makes eye contact with the equally anxious-looking Jude.

After the sudden burst of emotions, resulting in a hurried conversation, hours earlier in the closet at the party, they had been interrupted by loud banging against the door.

Panicking at first, they had gone completely wide-eyed. Jude immediately started to fix his shirt and its annoying buttons. While y/n stared up at him with nerves running through her veins.

Whoever it was, she knew that it would be insanely suspicious for them to leave the small room together.

It had been quite a few minutes since the New Year's countdown, and no doubt their friends and colleagues would soon start looking for them both to celebrate new beginnings.

Only when the banging subdued, she'd dared to pull the door handle down, opening the squeaking door. Not seeing anyone standing at the door, probably exhausted from pounding against the hard wood and giving up, she looked behind her, seeing Jude nod at her in reassurance.

They'd split up, and talk about it later, at home. Away from the prying eyes and cameras.

The hours had passed by in a blur, and before they knew it- they were being driven home by her dad. Who had been absolutely thrilled at how well the event had been organized and gone, much like the years before.

The tension in the car had been almost palpable, though it wasn't full of malice or hatred. No, this time it was of giddiness and sneaky little glances at each other.

Curious about the future and outcome of the conversation that would follow when they got home.

y/n grabs onto Jude's hand, his hand touching her soft skin, pressing onto it, and feeling her fastening pulse.

Closing the door behind him, she looks up at him. Unreadable expression on her face.

"Is my dad asleep?" She whispers, keeping her voice down for reasons she does know. The house was big enough for her father to not hear them speak to each other, especially when he was asleep.

"Went to bed half an hour ago.." He replies, not returning the hushed whisper.

She nods, taking a step back, her shoulders dropping as some tension leaves her body at the reassurance of not being caught or interrupted.

"Good.." She says, suddenly conscious of the fact that they were alone in her room. Bed unmade, clothes thrown over her desk chair, and a vanity full of makeup and hair products not yet put away in their respective drawers.

Obviously, she had never thought this would happen tonight..

Jude is in her room, in her safe sanctuary from all that's stressful and evil. A place where she could retreat to empty her mind while reading or scrolling mindlessly through her phone.

He had been there- probably a handful of times. Every single one of those times, she'd complained or almost screamed at him to leave. When he'd try to pester her about how long she was taking to get ready for work, or sometimes even managing to convince her to drive him to his Spanish classes.

But, this time is different. She isn't annoyed or angry. Wanting to yell at him for entering her space.

Instead, there is not one inch of her being that wants him out of her room, not this time.

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