[this is just annoying]

307 12 19

okay i really don't want to swear or bring this up again but like fucking no .

okay i really don't want to swear or bring this up again but like fucking no

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okay, what's up with the turning fanfictions into books thing. whoever is making this, is just lifeless. trying to earn money from stealing others' work? get a fucking job, brother.

this is just scamming, i bet it isn't even the real story and just some random stuff is written.

and this is just making my book seem stupid and foolish, too. i don't know if it's that serious but i hate it when something i did with care gets stolen or gets its reputation ruined by such a simple thing. i don't want people to see this and go AHH HELL NAHHHHHH without even reading the actual story (because looks like this already happened on reddit...)

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