Chapter 1

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                                                                    Flashback, Crymson's Point of View

Heaven was always so strict with their rules. The consequences for breaking them would be dire.

I was never much of a rule breaker, I hated the idea of breaking the rules. That and the fact that nobody knew what the consequences were for breaking the rules, nobody ever lived to tell the tale.

Sometimes these rules, they don't make sense. For example, you can't love someone who is the same gender as you. I mean, can't we just love who we want? The council says we shouldn't think like this, it isn't what our god would've wanted. I've always wondered, who is our god? We don't have any books about him, no stories, no nothing. Do we even have a god?

Again, the council says we shouldn't think like this. That's how blood angels think, and blood angels are bad people. They're horrible. They're murderers. I'll never be like them, never.


                                    Flashback Part II, Encounter. Crymson's Point Of View

I stared down from the soft clouds we lived on. I wonder, what is earth like? Is it the same as heaven, or is it different? What are the people like? I wonder..

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard giggling. Who was laughing? Were they laughing at me? I huffed, my cheeks immediately turning red. I was embarrassed, upset maybe? I don't know why my cheeks were red. I stood up and faced them, but the sight in front of me somehow calmed me down.

Wow...They were gorgeous. Their smile, their laugh, everything about them was perfect.

His giggling stopped, but his smile was still slightly there. "You look upset, did I offend you? Your hair just seemed a bit.." His giggling started again. I felt heat rise back up to my cheeks, I felt embarrassed.

"M-my hair..?" This man, he was making me so flustered. Nobody, had ever made me flustered before.

He went up to me and brushed something out of my hair. "There you go, all better now. My names Neptune!". Neptune, that fits him. His white hair, his pale blue eyes, everything about him was..

I was brought back to reality, as Neptune stuck his hand out. He reached his hand out, our fingertips connecting. I wrapped my hands around his, they felt so..cold. But a good type of cold. We shook hands.

Why do I..why do I feel so weird? He's a man, a pretty one at that. I shouldn't be having these thoughts, they're..they're sinful.

" said you're name was Neptune right? It fits you.." I choked on my words, the way he stared at me made my knees weak.

"Mhm! And you are?"

"My name Crymson." He stared at me for a few seconds, before his smile grew. His smile was so angelic, he's the most prettiest angel I've ever seen.

"Crymson? matches you."

We talked for hours on end, I missed my church session just for him. He's perfect, he's like a missing puzzle piece I've been trying to find for ages, and we just met! I'd kill to spend more time with him, but he had to go back to his father.

It's strange. How is such a sweet boy, related to such a ruthless council member? It makes no sense.

A thought occurred to me as I laid in my bed, the thoughts I've been having..Sinful. Sinful desires. They're against everything the council stands for. However, the little angel on my shoulder tells me otherwise.

I forgot to mention. Like on earth, those in heaven get their own guardian angel by the age of 18. The guardian angel then leaves by the age of 35. However, if you cursed to be a blood angel, you're cursed to forever lose your guardian angel.

It's strange. It's the guardian angels sole job to protect you, from anything and everything. So why does the guardian angel just all of a sudden lose all it's power when the angels are trialed, then forced to be blood angels? Shouldn't the guardian angel be protecting them? It makes no sense.

I just need to sleep it off, I shouldn't be thinking about this.


                                          Aftermath, Part I. Neptunes point of view.

Today was a very stressful day. I had to do a lot of things for and with my father. For example, they secretly trialed an angel today. Normally, they make it very clear that an angel is being trialed and for what rule they have broken. Maybe because it was a council members kid, they even killed the council member!

All they did was banish the kid, his name was Hulton. The father..I don't want to talk about it. All I can say was that he died a gruesome death trying to protect his kid.

After that, I helped my dad with organize some papers! You know, he doesn't let me out a lot. He says there are too many corrupted angels out there, that me being inside keeps me safe from the evils they try to spread.

I don't get it. If there are so many corrupted angels out here in heaven, why is it so hard to get rid of them? Why did he let so many corrupted angels stay? It doesn't make sense. If there are so many corrupted angels, then why is it so hard to trial them?

I had snuck out in the middle of the day, my father was away at work. I wanted to see what the outside was like, I wanted to see what the people were like.

As soon as I stepped foot outside, my face lit up. It was so bright, different from the lighting I was used to. I didn't know we lived on clouds. I laid down on the clouds, they felt so soft. "Wow.." I muttered, everything was so different.

Did we have..what's it called. Water? Did we have water up here, like they did down on earth?

I got up and started to explore. The trees were white, the clouds were white, the sky was very very blue, everything was just so..bright.


                                        Aftermath, Part I. Neptunes point of view.

I don't want to get too deep into detail, but I met a new friend today! He was really nice, and I liked his eyes! He was the first real person who didn't give me strange looks! You know, the only time I really get to go outside is to my fathers councils and other things.

I think I might be able to talk to him tomorrow, if my dad doesn't find out about what I did today!

When I arrived home, my father was home, surprisingly. He wasn't supposed to be home till around 1AM!

"..Hi dad.." I said, my tone nervous. He looked very upset, he's never upset with me!

"Neptune." My father came up to me and grabbed me by my hair, I winced in pain. "What the fuck did I tell you about leaving the house? You know its dangerous!" He said as he dragged me towards the end of the hallway

"B-but you're wrong! It's amazing out there!" I pulled away, panting heavily. "Why are you keeping me hidden? There's nothing wrong with those outside! I even met someone, he was so nice!"

When I mentioned another man, my father was practically fuming. He grabbed me by my arm and threw me to the ground. "You think you can disobey me? I promised your mother I wouldn't lay a hand on you, but it seems I've let you get too reckless. You need to be taught a lesson."

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