- Chapter 1: Gossip and a Ball -

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In the verdant heart of the royal gardens, where emerald-hued hedges formed labyrinthine paths, Princess Victoria of Hearts rested upon a plush bench, her amber eyes scanning the pages of a book adorned with intricate floral patterns. The sun, a generous host, kissed her alabaster skin with its golden, tender, mere caresses that brought a delicate flush.

A familiar figure strode from the far side of a pristine pond, its body sinuously undulating as if possessed by sprightly waves. A grin, wicked and enigmatic, stretched across the Cheshire Cat's feline face, and as it approached, silence fled, replaced by the soft hum of its laughter.

"Princess Victoria," it purred, the fluidity of its gait interrupted by an undignified plop as it settled beside her on the bench. "The latest gossip from the castle has found its way to my ears." The princess quirked a painted brow, her eyes flicking away from her book as she offered a smile to her feline confidante. "Why, what has the castle chattered today?"

The Cheshire Cat's grin split wide, its teeth gleaming sharp as new daggers, "A new court jester has arrived." Victoria's curious gaze fell upon the cat, the corners of her own mouth curving upward, intrigued by the news. The Cheshire Cat's lilting voice continued.

"This newcomer, Evanthe, came from a distant land and was said to be as amusing as he is mysterious. He has enchanted all with tales of wit and wisdom, though some of the courtiers whisper the fear that his mirthous overture masks a terrible secret."

A ripple of excitement passed over Princess Victoria's features, her fingers tapping absentmindedly on the spine of her book. "Secret?" she asked, the single syllable heavy with interest.

The Cheshire Cat nodded, seemingly savoring every moment of their confabulation. "Yes, my dear. Evanthe possesses the prowess to make one laugh and then weep, all in the span of a breath. There is a depth to his gaze, a darkness that casts a pall over the brightest of days. Many suspect he might be a sorcerer in disguise, entrancing us all with his charm while biding his time. Knowledge of his past is as elusive as the wind, and whispers of an ill-fated love that forever haunts him are tossed about like leaves in autumn."

The princess's eyes narrowed as she considered the newcomer's enigmatic persona. Her brow furrowed in deep thought, the mystery of Evanthe captivating her. "Hmm, the court needs entertainment," she mused aloud. "And perhaps a breath of fresh air."

A mischievous glint danced in the Cheshire Cat's eyes, whose body rippled slightly, fading in and out of existence. "Maybe, if you're careful, it could breathe into more than just entertainment. The castle's heart could use a new tune to dance to." A slow smile spread across Victoria's lips, her hand subconsciously brushing her heart. For a moment, her thoughts seemed to venture down labyrinthine pathways of intrigue, the pull between the wholesome and the enticing becoming ever more apparent.

She sighed a melodious sound that echoed gently on the whispers of the breeze. "Perhaps a meeting is to see for myself if there's any grain of truth to these whispers."The Cheshire Cat's grin grew broader by the second. "A splendid idea, my dear Victoria. After all, your eyes see the truth in the deepest shadows." The enigmatic feline dissolved into a puff of smoke, leaving the princess to ponder the mysteries and secrets waiting to be unearthed in the heart of the whimsical kingdom.

She remembered her father saying there would be a surprise guest at the ball that night, and now, knowing about Evanthe, she could only assume it was him.

The memory of her father's cryptic words came flitting back to the forefront of Princess Victoria's mind. She reached for a delicate handkerchief to dab at her brow, her curiosity growing in sync with her anticipation.

Gazing beyond the garden's hedges, she could not help but allow her imagination to paint a picture of Evanthe among the kingdom's dignitaries and nobles, his presence a beacon of eccentricity in a sea of formality. She'd be lying if she said the thought of the newcomer didn't pique her interest.

With its lavish decor and the promise of dance and revelry, her father's ball that evening now held the tantalizing allure of a secret waiting to unravel. And so, Victoria prepared herself for the grand event, stepping into her role as host with a newfound excitement that echoed in the halls.


In a room bathed in candlelight, the princess donned an exquisite gown. The rich ruby-red fabric clung to her curves as it cascaded to the floor. She fingered the delicate lace that adorned the gown's low neckline and the intricate designs that traipsed along the hemline, left leaving little to the imagination.

With her attire complete, she made her way through the palace, taking note of the last-minute preparations. As she entered the grand ballroom, the sight met her eyes like a painter's brush, a symphony of elegantly dressed figures conversing in hushed tones, orchestral notes drifting on the air, and chandeliers casting their celestial glow.

The princess took her place atop a dais, her presence instantly commanding the room's attention. With a small smile, she gracefully descended the steps, her father's words echoing in her ears. The anticipation built with each step, her desires a maelstrom of curiosity and uncertainty.

As the night progressed, the buzz of conversation grew, speckled with the teasing strum of strings. The announcement of a surprise guest drew murmurs and glances. Victoria moved through the crowd, offering her elegance to each partner, her expression unyielding to the speculation that swirled around her like balmy breezes.

Finally, the call for the next dance reached her ears; her partner for the waltz was none other than the enigmatic Evanthe. With his brooding features and piercing gaze, the court jester fit the whispers' description to a tee. His introduction echoed through the ballroom, drawing the eyes of all upon them.

As they twirled and swayed in sync, their bodies close enough that their breaths mingled, Evanthe's warm chuckle flowed softly in her ear. "Your Highness," he said, his voice smooth as honey, "tell me, do you believe in magic?"


Notes :

Jesus- this took WAY too long to write- I redid it... What? 10 times? There was always something I didn't like about it, of course, it could be longer, but also, it could be shorter, but finally, I'm happy with the chapter, soo... yay! :D Stay tuned for Chapter 2!   - Dmetrii <3

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