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    The next morning, Bakugou arrived at the park fifteen minutes early, his nerves on edge. He paced back and forth, trying to calm the butterflies in his stomach. "Pull yourself together," he muttered. "It's just training. You've done this a million times."

But it wasn't just training, and he knew it. This was Y/N, and that changed everything.

At precisely 6 AM, Y/N jogged up, her hair pulled back in a ponytail and a determined glint in her eye. "Ready to whip me into shape, Bakugou?" she called out with a grin.

Bakugou's heart skipped a beat, but he covered it with his usual scowl. "About time, extra. Let's see what you've got."

They started with basic exercises – push-ups, sit-ups, and running laps around the park. Bakugou barked out instructions, pushing Y/N to her limits. But to his surprise (and secret pride), she met every challenge head-on, never complaining even when her muscles trembled with exertion.

As Y/N ran her final lap, Bakugou found his eyes following her movements. He admired her determination, the way she pushed through her fatigue, the fierce concentration on her face. Without realizing it, a small smile tugged at his lips.

Y/N finished her lap and jogged over to where Bakugou stood. She was about to ask what was next when she caught him staring at her, an uncharacteristically soft expression on his face.

"Bakugou?" she asked, tilting her head curiously. "Is everything okay?"

Bakugou blinked, suddenly aware that he'd been caught. His cheeks flushed red and he quickly looked away. "F-fine!" he stammered. "Just making sure your form doesn't suck."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "Oh really? And what's the verdict?"

"It's... not terrible," Bakugou grudgingly admitted, still avoiding eye contact.

Y/N laughed, the sound making Bakugou's heart race even faster. "High praise coming from you. So, what's next, coach?"

Grateful for the change of subject, Bakugou launched into explaining the next set of exercises. But as they continued training, he found his eyes constantly drawn to Y/N. Her determination, her smile, the way she pushed herself to improve – it all made his crush grow stronger by the minute.

Several times throughout the session, Y/N caught Bakugou looking at her with that same soft expression. Each time, he'd quickly look away or bark out a new instruction, but Y/N couldn't help noticing the blush that crept up his neck.

As they wrapped up the training session, both sweaty and exhausted, Y/N decided to take a chance.

"Hey, Bakugou?" she said, her voice a little hesitant.

"Yeah?" he replied, trying to sound nonchalant as he packed up their water bottles.

"I, uh, I noticed you looking at me a lot today," Y/N said, her own cheeks turning pink. "Is there... is there something you want to tell me?"

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