☆Chapter 3ᕦ( ᐛ )ᕡ

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Felix Pov.

After I received Hyunjin's message I immediately replied: "Okay see you tomorrow, love you too🤍"  I took off to brush my teeth and change into something comfortable to sleep in. After I did I hopped into bed, yanked the sheets over me, and fell asleep. I woke up early in the morning to get ready for school I made my bed and some breakfast then went to brush my teeth after that I grabbed my bag and all the things I needed and stuffed my phone into my pocket before heading to the front door "see you after school ma!". "Okay, have a nice day at school sweetie" and I took off walking to school I noticed a few other people walking on the sidewalk heading in the same direction I was, I think they were also in the same school as me. After walking for a bit I made it to the school's entrance and saw a bunch of students walking around some were in what I assumed were friend groups. I took out my phone and texted Hyunjin to see if he was here yet or not.

                                                               Felix🐥 "hey             
                                                          Hyunjin are you
                                                             at school yet?"

Hyunjin🥟 "Yeah I'm inside right
Now. And you?"

                                                               Felix🐥 "I'm
                                                    outside the school
                                                       right now I'll go
                                                          inside just give
                                                       me a moment"

Hyunjin🥟 "Okay I'll wait for you"

Hyunjin Pov.

I waited for Felix near the school entrance when I saw him I waved at him and he ran to me "Hey Lix". "Hi Hyunjin Hyung" We talked for a bit before I had to get to my first class "I have to get to my class uhh it says class E207..?". "Okay, I'll catch you later!" I waved goodbye to Felix and went off to find my first class.

Felix Pov.

Me and Hyunjin were talking before Hunjin said he needed to go to his first class I waved him goodbye back before he went off, and I looked at my schedule which read class E215... So I went off to search for my class rushing a bit since I didn't know where all my classes were. As I was rushing through the hallways they were clearing up which meant that almost everyone was in their class I wasn't paying too much attention to who or what was in front of me so I accidentally bumped into someone causing me to drop my phone and schedule from my hands "o-oh I'm sorry I-i didn't mean to bump into you" the guy I bumped into grabbed the things I dropped and handed them to me "it's okay just be more careful on where you're going" I blushed out of embarrassment and nodded my head "y-yeah sorry" after a few long minutes of that embarrassing encounter I found my class when I did I saw that some students were already there the teacher greeted me and told me where my assigned seat was which was in the back of the class I worried less since I would be able to see everything back here and wouldn't have that many eyes staring at me. After the lecture, I went and found my next two classes which I attended, and after the third lecture it was lunchtime so I headed over to the cafeteria with the rest of the crowd and looked for Hyunjin.

Hyunjin Pov.

The lunch bell rang and I headed over to the cafeteria I made two new friends in the previous class. I grabbed lunch and sat with them their names were Chan and Minho I looked around the cafeteria and saw Felix looking around I waved and called him over to come sit with us I introduced Chan, Minho, and Felix to each other which after a few minutes of talking and eating they seemed to get along nicely. The whole day was a blur but I knew at least I had one class together with Felix which was at the end of the day, dance class. We walked there together and we didn't do much in class since it was the first day, all we talked about was what type of things we would do for the rest of the year and how fun it would be.

After Felix and Hyunjin's dance class, they headed over back to the cafeteria since they were getting into dorms with two people for each dorm we were going from alphabetical order of our first names after waiting a bit both Hyunjin and Felix had a dorm together so they headed over to their dorm.

Felix Pov.

I was so excited since me and hyunjin had a dorm together we entered the dorm and saw two beds in the middle separated by a nightstand, bathroom, and small kitchen I claimed one of the beds by jumping on it "Dibs!" I saw Hyunjin chuckle and it made me smile I was tired from the long day and it was already pretty late around 11:10 pm since we waited a longish time to be told which dorm to go to with who. I pulled the blankets over me and I saw Hunjin do the same except instead of sleeping I saw him reading something "What's that?". "Just a poem, I like to read poems before falling asleep". "Even after a long day?". "Mhm" I looked over curiously at the poem Hyunjin was reading "Can I see?"."yeah sure" I got out of my bed and sat over next to Hyunijn under the blanket which was nice and warm and comfy I looked over at what hyunjin was reading and hyunjin read some of it out loud enough for me to hear, it was a pretty romantic poem which I liked but I was slowly falling asleep due to the warmth, coziness, and the relaxing tone of hyunjin reading.

Hyunjin Pov.

I let Felix sit down next to me under the blanket I read out loud to him for a bit before I felt a light weight on my shoulder I looked over and saw Felix fell asleep on my shoulder I smiled and put the poem away, I didn't move him to his bed since he looked too peaceful and I didn't want to wake him up so I let him sleep on my bed for tonight. I kissed his forehead lightly "Love you, sleep tight" I smiled, cuddled next to him, and fell asleep.


Isn't hyunlix just so cute??(*'v`)

It took me waaaaayyy longer to write this than what it should have😭 I posted this late bc I was really busy but I pushed through and finished this chapter for you guys❥(ゝω·✿ฺ)

Anygays I hope you guys liked this chapter I'll write chapter four tomorrow:3 love you all💗💗


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