Chapter 2 - The Flowers

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"Gorgeous isn't it?" England asked me. I had his arms around my waist holding me tightly to prevent me falling to my death. We weren't too high from the ground, but high enough to where if he didn't catch me, I would die and possibly traumatize the ground with an imprint. I wasn't fat, but Idony always told me that if I got even a little chubbier, she would make me run until I lost the fat. Sometimes I felt like challenging her on that, but learned not to question her authority later on when I threw a rock at her head and told her to screw off. I got hung by the ankles upside down in the trees for two hours. Lobo had to free me cause my face was way too red, and I couldn't feel my legs.

England was exhausted, I can tell. We had to stop flying for a little bit because the slash in his face was getting to be too painful and his vision was blurred. He got scolded by Idony, and I didn't see it but I guess she didn't like that he was trying to help Lobo. He now has a bandage around his face, granted his eye is covered, but at least now he was able to focus on flying instead of the blood getting in his mouth and hair. His wings must have been heavy from the rain water back home. That was my fault, but at least I know I can make it rain.

"Woah... Bim look at that." England pointed to the miles upon miles of flower fields in the distance.

"She lives here?" I ask, it seemed like a simple yes or no question, but apparently it wasn't as easy as a Divine living in a public space, which I guess makes sense.

"Divines are everywhere where people are. Clement lives in these fields, but she can't be out in the open for obvious reasons. Her temple is in the center of a lavender field, I'll show you. It's really cool, you'll see." He flew overhead, looking down at the humans who were farming.

"Can they not... see us?" I questioned, but my question was answered whenever two of the farmers looked up, and started yelling at the others to look. To watch us fly overhead. At least I assume that's what they were saying, I don't understand this language.

"They can, these people are speaking Dutch. We don't have to hide from humans as long as we don't land. These people are unpredictable. Some of them want to pray to us even though we aren't gods, some want to praise us, but a hefty sum of them would do anything to kill us. Clement loves the human race so she goes to where she can thrive, and sees plenty of humans at a time."

"So... where is her temple?" I looked around the large fields of beautiful flowers, with the humans tending to the soil and bushes. I feel my face warm, no wonder Clement wants to be here, it's absolutely stunning. England moved to one of the hills that had an open patch, his wings force pushed the flowers back a little bit when he flapped them. When he landed, he let me go. I stretched and stumbled a little, my legs had gone numb from the lack of usage during the flight.

"Ze zijn hier!" A voice called from somewhere near. I panicked a little, my head turning around quickly to see several humans rushing up the hill to get to us, some had a bewildered look on their face, but a lot were... tiny.

"Idony thinks interaction with humans brings nothing but trouble... However, a lot of Divines have interactions with them almost daily. Clement is one of them. Try not to be aggressive, these are kids." He said.

I didn't know humans could have kids, but I guess that makes sense. I don't know much of anything I suppose. The kids come up to England and start playing with his feathers and wings. There were two adults, a woman and a man. They approached me, and offered their hand. I recoil, what do they have in their hands? What is this? I have heard of humans making offerings but why to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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