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Immm back I see some of you guys from my other book finally got here anyways can't keep you guys waiting
Ok then let's get back to the reacts we left of with iris locking earth up I change my mind the room is small and uncomfortable you'll see
I forgot the sun you know what 🥲 nvm
Does righting make you manic bc I'm so excited to make the ending more idea pop up I'm my mind and I go even crazier. I'm laughing at my notebook that I write all my idea and my mom's takeing me to get help also I think I might have a sleeping disorder. And might be going fucking ape shit Fou 💩

Jupiter-great we're back here"he groans in annoyance"
Neptune -it ok Jupiter hopefully this time.. um less.... less brutally
Uranus-if I ever catch that bastard I'll rip his throat out "mumbling to himself"
Ok ok guys break over guys time to go back
Mercury-if it going to be this brutal-
Nope no one can leave or else my server crashes I need you all ok let starts now

Screen appears turns black to white then we see earth again this time clean, no scars on his body which is pretty unbelievable, after all that. He's starting to stur up awake
Earth-ugh fuck, "head shoot up" I'm... i'm back I'm here again... Back to where i fucken started
He begin to giggle, then that giggle turn to a laugh. Then a manic laughter took him as tear begin forming
he ,...... Heh... heh... HA... ha... ha... heh... heh... Hahaha... heh... ha.. heh... HAHAHAHA..."" FUCK
Earth-why did I ever think I was going to get away, I don't even know where anything is" eyes darkened, tears falling down his cheeks".

Saturn- has never been out of.. that space.
Jupiter-he's been lock up before hasn't he.
Earth , starts crying. For hours and hours unable to do anything about it
Finally he gets up and starts banging on the door, scared of the silence dark and quite eerie room. Over and over he slams his fist against the door. He finally Ressorts to calling out for iris
Earth-iris this isn't funny, please let me out................. I really need you right now
He stops speaking, and lets his body fall onto the floor
Just starring blank at nothing

A week and a half past since he was lock away, he was starting to get lonely, and starving of touch. The room seems to be in complete shambles. Some parts of the walls had dents, scratch marks.
Mars-he keep him in there for A WEEK AND A HALF
Yup sometimes longer then that
Saturn-oh lord
Earth's sitting on the floor, when the door opens and he hears foot steps coming towards him. Then they stop in front of him
Finally looking up his eyes meets iris. He sees love, care, and warmth in those cruel eye. He couldn't help himself anymore and lunges forward towards iris holding onto him for dear life
Iris-shhh, shhhh it ok I won't hurt you
Earth continue to cry into his chest, hiccups coming once in a while
Iris-look at Me, Любовь" he grabs earth face(love)
Iris-you know I love you right "a smile appears on his face"
Earth-"nods his head"
Iris-you love me to right
Earth-yes "quietly"
Uranus-shit it hurts to see someone you love say they love someone else especially a bastard like that"
Everyone in the room could tell Uranus was mad as fuck, I mean everyone was who does this guy think he is.
Iris brings there face closer into a kiss
Iris-let me show you how much I love you, Детская кукла
He pick earth up, earth scared he might fall wraps his arm around his neck, even though iris would never think of dropping him
Iris-yes Детская кукла
Earth- I need you....
Iris-don't worry, everything fine now I was just very angry
Earth-I'm sorry
Mars-(don't say sorry to the ugly fucker)
Iris-for what
Earth-I'm sorry.....
They finally reach where they were heading a room with a large body of milky looking water connect to the floor, almost like an hot tub or pool . If the planet could also smell the room it would give out a smell of lavender.

Earth seems to have noticed what room he was in because as soon as they step in his once close eyes open again.

Ok so I'm going to skip to the part where Into the part where they get in.

Both iris and earth is in the strange white, milky water Both at the edge(i know one of you nasty ass motherfucker where thinking of something else keep you're head out of the gutter's 🤡👹🤪🤨)one of iris's arm lying on floor tile. The other hand holding onto earth's waist. The top parts of their body's visible only
Earth washing his hair, taking some time dued to the shear length and amount there was
Iris-here, Любовь(love)
His fingers travelers towards earth hair, helping him wash out the remaining hair he had left, while doing that earth lay's his body onto the other, tired from not haveing any sort of attention for a week
Which iris is quick, and glad to give
-WARNING mention / implication of smut

In the aftermath, they floated in each other's arms, breaths mingling with the gentle lapping of the water. Iris's brushed a strand of wet hair from earth's face, eyes softening. "I love you," they said quietly, the sincerity clear.

Earth sighed, closing their eyes for a moment. "I know," he whispered back.

Iris tightened their hold, a possessive edge to their touch even in the water. "You'll always be mine, though," he murmured, a hint of warning in their voice.

Earth nodded, the familiar mix of fear and comfort washing over him . "Yes, always," he agreed, knowing the sadness of his words.

OH MY GOSH, this took forever(lie's I just stated 1 hour ago) I was sitting for days(🧢) trying to make this perfect just for you guys(🧢) bc I love you all and where like this🤞🏾😤

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