Reaction(part 3)

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heyyy it been a while you guys really want this to be finished and me to quite frankly so I'm going to make this quickly 😌😋

"well guys your break is over let continue with the films() oh and thank you for not burning down my kitchen unlike some people 😡🌕 " I say in a slightly annoyed tone

"yeah yeah lets get this over with" Venus replies harshly, eyebrows lowering and pulled together clearly ready to be done with this whole thing'. "so last time we stopped at a shower scene but.  beacuse nothing really important happens after that will skip to when something does happen his-

wait but after the bath scene you say nothing really important happens Does that also include earth wasn't harmed in any way" Saturn intterups out of curiosity. "well"I answered." earth ended up stabbing one of the moons you saw guarding the door and ended up back in that same room for much longer this time iris actually visited more." I answered back my tone, it sounded happier.'

and again how is this not important." we need to hurry this up don't you want to be out of there I mean I most certainly want to be done." answering rudely

The screen shows up once again to earth in a bedroom This bedroom exudes a cozy, intimate ambiance with a dark color palette. The bed, adorned with pillows and a green throw blanket, sits on warm wooden floors. Large glass walls and a ceiling offer panoramic views of the rainy outdoors, with dim lighting from hanging lamps and candles enhancing the magical feel. Lush green plants add a touch of nature, creating a serene retreat.

WAIT A MIN." Venus yells out in confusion. "HOW IS THERE LIFE THERE.

"you can say... it nature mockery, in a way iris somehow found a way to replicate the flow of water and the plants to make the room more fitting for earth but if you where to touch it it would fade into your hand..... as if it were never there. can I continue ." yes sorry for the interuption "mars said"

earth enters the room in a calm manner and begins making his way towards a mat that was laid'ed in front of the bed. he bends down in a praying form clasped his hands together and pressed against each other in front of his chest. head bowed slightly, eyes closed looking downwards, and a straight posture. a single tear falls from his eye before he starts speaking in a quite soft voice.

"What did he say." "whats he doing."asked mercury, Jupiter Neptune

He's praying, Prayer is a way to communicate with God, and can include praising him, confessing for sin, asking for needs, and expressing gratitude  It can also be a way to grow closer to God and develop an intimate relationship with Him. what he's going right to is asking for God go guide him in other words help him many earthling also do this to become closer to God.

as for what he's saying I'll make it so that you can hear

"Heavenly Father, I feel so alone and trapped, I can't keep going like this in the following days in going to leave I tired many times before and I will continue to do so however this time I'm going to break free of these chains and shackles. Please grant me the strength and courage to face this situation. Help me find a way to break free and surround myself with love and support. Guide me towards safety and peace. Amen."

"many in the room smile at the small prayer as he still has hope even when he's knocked down"

"I'm glad he is still hopeful even in his time of hardships." Neptune said happily mouth parting apart showing teeth. "what do you think, cousin." turning his head to look at his cousin only to see the other looking at the screen that was displayed before them with such deep raw affection, such adoration, endearment. a small smile replaces his formally giant grin. " Uranus....?"

OH uh yeah.... I'm happy he's still able to have even a bit of hope -he's so strong and amazing- "he said's to himself."

I manage to get someone from the outside to help me he said he was an old friend but I don't believe we were ever acquainted. he told me about a collision between me and a other rocky planet, I am a bit skeptical but I'll believe him whatever that can get me out of here the only problems I would have is the moons and iris his eyes are everywhere, watching everything he know everything but I made sure that he doesn't know about this I made sure of this... "sighs" however I'm sure he'll know sooner or later which means 2 days after today I'll have to make my ascaped may you be with me God to guild my soul and body one again amen" standing up he makes his ways to a room which seems to be the bathroom hand on the nob he gives it a twist entering and begins striping his clothing off oh him one bye one

TURN AROUND EVERYONE." Jupiter yell" CLOSE YOUR EYES HURRY UP." Saturn shrinks out quickly"

everyone who's didn't already look away. quick shuts there eyes as soon as they hear the two gas giant's voices

except.... uranus who kept his eyes glued onto the screen as earth was just about to bring the bottom part of his fit of showing his curves Neptune grab onto a lock of his hair and pulled causing him to look up, just in time for earth to undress and get into the bathtub.

wait till where out of here Uranus." called jupiter" I WAS GOING TO LOOK AWAY." yelled Uranus in his Australian accent

Thank you Neptune." Saturn said

No problemo!!." Neptune yells right after

Uranus you know you were not going to look away :< , anyways lets countinue.

as earth was relaxing in the water he heard a knock at the door and quickly replied " yes, iris will be back soon it will be best if you where already fully dressed' "alright I'll be out soon, ugh damn it I cant have any form of peace here

-time skip-

as soon as earth was done he quickly wrapped a towel around his mid waist and began heading towards a medium size room full of clothing picking something out and started to get dressed.

as soon as he exited the small room he was met by iris
at the mention of iris the planets mood quickly shifted to a more sour mood.

who quickly picked up earth heading towards the bed and began to kiss, deepening the kiss little by little. finally he releases so that earth can catch his breath and begin getting into bed, bringing earth closer to him as they lay there.

how was your day Любовь(love)." asked the taller. "it was fine, didn't really do much but the moon did make it much more bearable."

good, how about we head to bed now dear." "yes he yawns" "bed.

ok it ends her guys time for another break

"finally I was tired of seeing that ass wipe." Uranus whispered loudly under his breath

I think a 1 hour break will do😁

alright guys you all said no not discontinue so I have to listen to what the people want OH AND GUYS WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY NEW WRITING STYLE I LOVE IT. need some improvements and work to get used to but overall I love it I hope you love it to and aren't confused

if you like this writing style tell me but if  you prefer the other one tell me i like that one to plus i make this for

@LordRedsontlborn for that comment on my last post you very considerate ☺️and you too @BEAN1THESIMP and  @MGLMDSasayn
And anonymous0234948499  if you see this please text Me back 😢oh yeah check out there book to I'm sure you guys will like it it a solarball book like mine🤪🤪

here a link of how I would imagine the room to look like now lets wrap this up word count 1397 thank you everyone for reading this I hope you all enjoy I'll see you later byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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