Chapter 20 - The Prince Behind The Beast

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Back at the castle, the beat roared in pain. "Ouch! That hurts!" He raised his voice at Claire, who was trying to clean his bite. "If you held still, it wouldn't hurt as much." Claire replied, trying to keep her patience. "If you hadn't run away none of this would've happened-" "Well, if you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!" Claire started to become upset. "Well, you shouldn't have been in the West Wing." The beast continued to argue from his bed. "Well, you should learn to control your temper!" Claire almost yelled at him. The beast grunted and turned away from her. Claire went to wash his wound again, but hesitated. "Try to get some rest." She suggested, putting the cloth down.

"Thank you, miss." Ms. Potts thanked Claire for trying to help. "We are eternally grateful." Lumiere added. "Why do you care about him so much?" Claire asked. "We've looked after him all his life." Ms. Potts admitted. Claire temporarily looked back at the beast. "But he's cursed you somehow. Why? You did nothing." She questioned them. Ms. Potts exhaled. "Well, you're quite right there, dear." she said, looking down. "You see, when the Master lost his mother, his cruel Father took that sweet, innocent lad, and twisted him up to be just like him." Ms. Potts explained sadly. Claire looked sadly over at the beast, who was breathing heavily. "We did nothing." Ms. Potts commented helplessly, looking at Claire. "Let him sleep." Lumiere suggested, and everyone but Claire left. She looked at the beast empathetically as he fell asleep.

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