Chapter 3

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     After some time, Chase had managed to find Matthew, who was just sitting on the ground, with his head down. "Hey buddy, you okay?" Asked the German Shepherd as he sat down next to the tiny human, lowering his head to his level. Matthew didn't respond and just slightly looked away. Chase sighed, not exactly sure of what he should do or say to Matthew. "Why are you here?" Matthew said in a rather sad tone. "Well, you and Champ look troubled, I just wanna make sure you are okay is all." Chase replied.

Matthew:Okay? No, I'm not okay! Champ is hurting because me... It's not his fault...

Chase:You're not responsible for how he feels. He feels this way because he cares about you, Matt. Yeah, he feels bad for keeping secrets from you, but also should remember what he told us, how he had to grow up all by himself. He wasn't very open about himself until he met you. I know you are hurting inside, but so is he. You need to talk to him.

Matthew:Why bother at this point? I'm only going to make him feel worse.

Chase:(Sighs) Buddy, what's really bothering you, besides all of this?

Matthew:I just feel powerless... I couldn't do anything to stop Vaati when he attacked me and others.

Chase:Have you been training lately?

Matthew:Not as much since then. Mostly by myself, or with Lucas, but not with Champ.

     Chase looked up at the sky, thinking to himself before looking at Matthew once again. "How long has it been since you arrived here?" Chase asked, smiling softly. "Nearly a year now I think, for me at least. Champ and Grace haven't been here for that long, and Lucas only arrived weeks ago." Matthew replied, softly chuckling. Chase gently nuzzled Matthew, making the little human giggle a little. "Okay, okay..." Matthew said, petting Chase's muzzle. "Come on, we should head back before the others become more worried than they already are." Chase smiled, lowering his body, allowing Matthew to climb onto his back.

Chase:Did anything else happen while you were here by yourself?

Matthew:No, why do you ask?

Chase:Just curious...

Matthew:Nothing happened, I swear.

Chase:If you say so. Hehe!

Meanwhile, Hikari had found Champ, sitting near a river, his face completely covered in tears. "Hey kid..." Hikari said softly, as he sat down next to Champ. Champ remained motionless, completely refusing to look at Hikari. "You know, in a way, me and you have something in common." Upon hearing this, Champ slowly turned to look at Hikari. "How exactly are we alike? What do we have in common?" He asked in a very annoyed tone. "We both have a desire for justice for our fallen fathers." Hikari replied. "Doesn't mean a damn thing! I don't know you. You don't know me! You don't know what I have been through or what I've seen!" Champ snarled, as he growled loudly at the Shiba Inu. 

Hikari:Then help me understand. I've told you my story, now, tell me yours.

(Theme: Roxas' Theme from Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix) 

Champ:(Sighs) My past isn't something I don't enjoy talking about.

Hikari:Is it for any of us? The past for warriors like us is hard to talk about. But then again, it's what makes us who we are today. We must learn from it and embrace the change. Well, at least that is what I was taught.

 Champ:I was alone for so long until I came here. I caused pain for so many people... Not just to those who deserved it, but many who didn't as well. I became a monster, the exact opposite of who my father was.

Hikari:As did I during a war back in my world. My blade has been stained with the blood of my enemies for as long as I have been alive. Everything I did, it was all for my village. Then during a crucial moment, a general called us "The Accursed Clan." At that moment, it was as if my eyes were truly open for the first time, but before I could do anything else, my older brother came and finished the general off. He kept calling me the stain of our bloodline.

A Paw Patrol Story 12: Forgiving YourselfWhere stories live. Discover now