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(Toms pov)

as i was showering i couldn't get her whimpers and whines out of my head, the way she struggled yet she wasn't strong her tiny slim body felt perfect in my hands. made me fucking hard thinking about her

she was fucking perfect... she had blonde long curly hair...gorgeous blue eyes..her lips were soft..her voice is soft and beautiful..her soft soft skin..her super model like body.... the way she always looks angelic... if only she wasn't a back talking little bitch..

(Kaylenns pov)

i was just laying there staring at a corner, i felt broken... like as if someone took my heart, ripped it apart and put it back together but with pieces missing... i was so tired and not just physically but mentally as well.

i suddenly heard the shower turn off and him stepping out of the shower, my heart dropped. he stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, just barely covering his manhood... hes probably doing it on purpose trying to turn me on or some stupid shit..he grabbed black sweat pants and boxers...

he put them on, he then grabbed one of his shirts and trows it at me "put it on if you want i don't give a fuck if you do or don't" of course he doesn't care if i do, he'd prefer if i was just naked...i put on the shirt and just laid back down, he got in the bed next to me and pulled me close to him and cuddled into me as if he didn't just fucking rape me..i uncomfortably laid there till i fell asleep

i woke up in the middle of the night to tom getting out of the bed and leaving the room, i just fell back asleep, it couldn't have been to long after when i woke up to tom coming back in the room.. after a few seconds i felt a sharp needle in my arm..i whined, "shhh your fine..." tom said to me.."what the fuck was that.!" i said to watch your fucking mouth when your talking to me you little bitch, and its just a tracker to make sure that if you did get away i can find you.. you cant even feel it its a micro chip.." a tracker? he's fucking insane

"what the fuck is wrong with you!!" i yelled but he slapped me hard across the face and i whined and put my hand up to my face to where he hit me.. "what did i just fucking tell you!? watch that god damn back talk with me you fucking cunt.." i didn't say anything..i just looked at him with tears in my eyes.. as he saw that it was almost as if he felt a little remorse but only for a second... "just go to sleep" he got up and left the room... i was just laying there in pain for like 30 minutes, the slap hurt so bad.. and the thing is it wasn't the hardest he could hit witch kinda scared me cause im definitely gonna eventually gonna do something that's reallyyy gonna piss him off, and god who knows what he'll do to me..i eventually fall asleep

(toms pov)

i sighed as i leaned against kitchen the counter, why the fuck did i feel bad for the way i hit her...why do i fucking feel some sort of responsibility for her.. i should feel like this for her, iv'e never actually cared about a woman, i only want sex. i don't do love..i heard someone walk into the kitchen, it was bill.. he looked at me confused, he could tell something was up "what going on..?" bill asked, i groaned "i don't know..its Kaylenn.." bill lightly chuckled "what'd she do?"

"well she didn't do anything.." i told bill "then what does this have to do with Kaylenn?" i sigh

"i slapped the shit out of her for being a bitch and she teared up a little and i felt bad for doing it...iv'e hit Victoria, Chloe, and Nicole, and didn't feel bad at all, iv'e left them crying and if anything i thought it was funny... but with Kaylenn.. its almost as if it hurt me to do it.."

i paused and looked at bill and hesitating before speaking... "i feel like shes my responsibility..and not like the other girls like how i need to keep them from doing stupid shit, but like i have to keep her safe and 100% protected at all times no matter what..."

bill raised an eyebrow "so you love her or like her..?" i look away a little "i have no fucking idea.." i sigh

*the next morning*

(kaylenns pov)

i wake up from the light coming through the windows.. i whine and buried my face into the pillow..i couldn't go back to sleep though, i eventually just wake up.. i get up to leave the room but it was.. locked, i sat back on the bed and groaned.. i just thought for a while, my whole life is never gonna do anything ever again , nothing i really want to at least, i tear up a little.. It's not like i ever really had that much of a desire to live anyway... after like 30 minutes of just laying down i decided to look around the room...cause i was bored and dumb

i looked around the room and in drawers but i didn't find anything really interesting but i found a little shoe box under the bed.. it was filled with girly stuff like a bracelet, a lip gloss, empty perfume, a CD, and stuff like that... i smiled, its probably stuff he collected from like a crush he had in middle school that he kept..i looked through it more, i slowly realized that it was all stuff i had lost in the last 3 months.. there no fucking way, i looked at all the stuff. at the bottom of the box there was like 30 pictures it was all the same type of thing...

i just edged the fuck out of all of you, IMMA POST ANOTHER PART TMRW BY 7PM PST!!!

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