| Prologue |

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Hansa, the letter started, one from Maharani Jaivanta Bai, a letter the wife of the Samanth of Bijolia would treasure, much like she had any letter from her childhood friend.

Gangaur comes soon, as you well know, and Princesses from all the Kingdoms in Rajputana are being invited to celebrate at Mewar, a few days early. This is a way for Ranaji, Sajja behena and myself to see who would be the right Ardhaangini for Pratap.

Hansa bai let out a sharp breath. She was not blind to the sparks that had been flying for weeks now at Bijolia, between Kunwar Pratap and her eldest daughter Ajabde. They seemed to always search for each other, despite Ajabde's denial and protests. Hansa had observed with her own eyes that Kunwar Pratap cherished a sort of special affection for Ajabde, one the latter seemed to be aware of, and yet was in a stage of not accepting it. Hansa bai had tried to tell Ajabde this fact, but her daughter was as stubborn as her father.

Sighing yet again, she continued reading the letter, letting out a small gasp at what her Sakhi had said.

You will be helping me in that search, for you are anyway going to be with me, and I know Pratap adores you as his mother. He need not tell me any of this, I know my son. Hansa, I know you are wondering what I am saying, but I want you to come for Gangaur here at Mewar, this time. Come a day before and stay for some time, for my sake.

Her friend was clearly up to something. Hansa had to smile. Jaivanta had not changed; in fact, she had matured into the full potential of her brilliance with age.

I also have another request for you. Send Ajabde with Pratap, will you? I want her here some days early. It is only fair that I get to meet your daughter and spend time with her like Pratap got to spend time with you, isn't it?

Do not worry, Ranaji has sent an official invitation to Ramrakhji, and has also penned a letter to him requesting the same. Please send Ajabde, Pratap will keep her safe, I am sure. If you so wish, send Phool Kanwar with Ajabde, for Marwar too has gotten an invitation, despite the very precarious political situation.

"Gangaur is for Mata and Prabhu," Hansa whispered, laughing a little when she read the same line in Jaivanta Bai's letter.

Gangaur is for Mata Parvati and Prabhu Mahadeva, not for political skirmishes and any such issues.

I cannot wait to see you, Sakhi!



Hansa Bai laughed once more, delight filling her. Even a single day with Jaivanta will be the greatest blessing. Just as she looked towards the entrance, she saw Kunwar Pratap enter, his eyes curious yet sheepish, a look he seemed to have often.

"Come come, Kunwar Pratap. What is it?"

"I... heard that RaniMaa wrote to you, Mausiji. Is there anything I have been instructed to do?" Hansa had to smile at the young man's love for Jaivanta, and she nodded.

"Your RaniMaa has asked me to come to Chittor for Gangaur."

"Chittor? Hansa Mausiji, you must come then!" Pratap's delight was infectious, making Hansa smile and pat the space in front of her, where he obediently sat and looked at her. She could sense the hope in his expression, and felt her maternal heart bloom.

"I will be coming the day before Gangaur. Jaivanta also had another request for me, and in a way, that is an instruction for you," Hansa smiled softly, continuing. "She wants Ajabde to reach Mewar early, and has requested me to send her and Phool Kanwar with you to Chittor when you leave."

The delight on Pratap's face seemed to have magnified manifold, he shone like the Sun he was descended from. His eyes spoke of a spark of hope, wishful thinking and yearning, mingled with a deep happiness, one maybe even he was unsure why he felt.

"Ajabde?" he asked softly, the tremor in his voice not hidden from Hansa, though she chose not to press.

"Yes Kunwar Pratap. Jaivanta wishes to meet her and spend time with her, the way I have with you."

"Be assured, Mausiji. I will protect Ajabde with my life!" He blinked in embarrassment it seemed, once he declared that, hurriedly adding, "Phool Kanwar as well."

"I trust you, Kunwar Pratap. And I will go and start preparing for the departure of the girls," smiled Hansa, bussing a kiss on the Crown Prince of Mewar's head before making her way out, acknowledging the brilliant glow that had now taken a hold of Kunwar Pratap's aura. 

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