| Of Wishes |

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Ajabde could not believe her ears. Ever since her mother had told her of the insistence of Maharani Jaivanta Bai, Ajabde had been on tenterhooks. She had never felt such a rollercoaster of emotions in her life the way she had these past few weeks, and all of this was thanks to Kunwar Pratap's presence.

Yes, Ajabde had finally acknowledged the fact that he was why she felt entirely different, and yet, entirely herself. The person she kept hidden within most of the time, that person who came out only at times with her mother and Phool, reigned freely when Kunwar Pratap was there. It was like with him, all her carefully raised decorum and inhibitions flew out of the window, and Ajabde had become her raw, unfiltered self.

One he did not seem to mind, and actively encouraged, in fact. She could see the gentleness in his eyes, which added more layers to him than ever. The bravest and best warrior among the Rajputs, the one with such valour and a legendary reputation, was incredibly humble and down-to-earth, a good friend, and held such gentleness when he spoke to her? He also held respect in his eyes while speaking to her, Phool, Saubhagyavati, any of them, in fact. It had only endeared him to her further, and she resisted the urge to sigh and then stuff her face in her pillow. Why did he always perplex her so?

"Ajabde? Where are you?"

Ajabde got jerked back to reality at the sound of her best friend calling her. She turned around to see a visibly excited Phool Kanwar walk in, her earrings dangling against the end of her jawline on either side, the two lone strands of hair, curled to frame her sweetheart face, danced with the same delight the Princess' eyes danced with.

"Phool! You look happy," Ajabde grinned, unable to help in the infectious grin of Phool. The Princess of Marwar responded with, "Of course I am! We are going to Mewar together, are we not?"

Ajabde blushed, as if in reflex, her eyes widening when she saw the thoughtful look Phool flashed her. Oh no, Phool knew her all too well, despite having never seen Ajabde so flustered.

Maybe she could.. somehow distract Phool. Yes, she will do that.

"And Hansa Mausiji told me that Maharani Jaivanta Baiji wanted you to come early as well?" Phool nudged Ajabde, who looked at the former with wide eyes. Phool had caught the hidden emotions of Ajabde very clearly, and the latter knew escape was near impossible.

"Phool, I don't understand why.."

"Why would she not?" Phool interrupted her. "From all that Mausiji and even Kunwar Pratap have told us, Maharani Jaivanta Baiji is a very loving person. You are her best friend's daughter, Ajabde! Would she not cherish the same affection for you as Mausiji does for Kunwar Pratap?"

"But... but.." Ajabde faltered. Phool will not accept her arguments as a samanth putri, she never did. Phool was unswervingly loyal and had taken it on herself to be Ajabde's protector, in some way. And this is why Ajabde was very surprised when Phool did not have issues with Ajabde talking to Kunwar Pratap. Phool tended to get possessive over Ajabde's time, having had that all her life. Subhagyavati was one story, but Kunwar Pratap? She wondered what kind of trust that spoke of, from Phool's side. Phool did not allow her own cousins and brothers anywhere near Ajabde, except for her youngest brother, who was six years old. And here, she had decided to trust Kunwar Pratap?

He is trustworthy though, she immediately thought, blushing when she remembered her words that one night near the old temple.

"I do not trust just anyone," Ajabde had told Kunwar Pratap, and the latter's eyes had met her own, causing hers to widen. What had she said?

"But? What is it, Ajabde?" Phool shook her friend lightly by taking hold of her arm, and Ajabde returned to reality, shaking her head. She knew her cheeks held the flush that she could feel from the pit of her stomach, for some reason.

"N-nothing, Phool," whispered Ajabde, feeling her skin flush deeply at that, her eyes lowered from the trial to lie.

"You can't lie, Ajab, so why are you trying?" Phool asked gently. "There is more in your heart, I can sense. Tell me, what is it?"

"Phool, how is it that... you trust Kunwar Pratap with me?" Ajabde asked, a little faltering, but too curious. She wanted the answer, and with Phool, she didn't have to hide her inquisitive side ever.
"Even I don't know how exactly, Ajabde. But I just sense that, Kunwar Pratap can be trusted with you. His eyes only hold respect while talking to any woman, even me, despite the arguments he and I still have."
"That is true..." Ajabde went back into her land of thoughts, Kunwar Pratap's eyes now flashing in her mind continuously. She blushed when her eyes fell on Phool, and looked away. She continued, "Tell me this, what lehengas do you want to take to Chittor?"
"Ajabde," Phool sighed, but Ajabde stayed stubbornly away from the topic anyway, smiling sheepishly at the former instead. Phool sighed, saying, "let us choose our clothes together, come."



"Jija, your happiness is infectious," commented Veer Bai, the fourth wife of Rana Udai Singh. She adored Jaivanta as her elder sister as much as she did Pratap as her own son. Only that kept her at bay, for her husband never came to her in any capacity other than a friend.
"Why would it not be, Veer behena? We are looking for a girl for my Pratap, and that too during Gangaur. It is a blessed event, isn't it?"

"Indeed, Jaivanta Baiji," entered Rana Udai Singh, causing both the Queens to stand up in greeting. Jaivanta could see the excitement in her husband's eyes, and smiled softly, understanding it, for she held the same emotion.

"I have gotten a reply from Rao Mamrakhji," said Udai Singh. "He has agreed to send Ajabde and Phool Kanwar earlier with Kunwar Pratap. And I believe, your friend Hansa Baiji has written to you?"

Udai Singh held out the scroll in front of Jaivanta, who blinked for a moment, before taking the scroll from him, opening it eagerly to read her friend's words. Amidst Veer Bai and her husband, she did not have to be an overtly composed person, and could show her excitement.

Jaivanta Bai quickly read the letter, saying, "Hansa has agreed to come as well! Ranaji, it will be delightful to have Hansa by my side as we look for the right ardhaangini for our Pratap."

"I am looking forward to seeing Ajabde myself, Jija," Veerbai said softly, eyes sparkling, answering the raise of Udai Singh's eyebrow. "Ajabde is a frequent visitor at Marwar, and I sometimes went to visit Jija. So, Ajabde and I are well acquainted with each other, in fact."

"Really?" Jaivanta asked. "You did not tell me all this? Is it true, what we have heard of her?"

"She is a pure and gentle soul, Jija. Her heart is generous, and her love is wide and all encompassing, like the Sky. She is also humble, and has great knowledge of all the Shastras," Veerbai said, as Jaivanta and Udai Singh exchanged impressed looks.

"My wish to meet her has now increased manifold."

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