Aaron Hotchner - Meds

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I couldn't help but notice Y/N's hands. Shaking and trembling as if she were cold. Her leg shaking at a very fast pace. And her fingers tapping on anything she could find.

Once the meeting was over in the bullpin I pulled her aside and gave her a 101 dad talk.

"Have you taken your meds?" I ask. She gives me a look of confusion.

"What meds?" She asks sweety. But, I could tell she was lying. I've seen her take them away from the group. Swallowing about 2 pills a day. One in the morning and one at night.

I just stand there. My hands holding the file as I give her the stare.

"I thought we all agreed to not profile each other?" She asks. Her hands slapping her legs as she lets out a sigh. "They won't be able to give me my daily prescription till three days from now." She revealed.

I just give her a nod in understatement. Telling her to take it easy and ask for help if she needs anything at all.

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