Spencer Reid - Dilaudid

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I step out upon cold tiles. My body is covered in a wool towel. A cold breeze from the room makes my body shiver. As I take my shivering body to the sink, I look at myself. My nose is still red from being sick. I was contagious so they let me work from home. Leaving the team without me in this case.

Spencer was worried but he always is. Living together was his idea to keep an eye on me. He's a protector. And he's smart at that. He knows almost everything! He would always find a way to tell me something new everyday, and I was astonished every time by his beautiful brain that held such capabilities a boring normal one could not compete with.

With a sneeze, I immediately get some toilet paper to wipe my runny nose. As a sigh escaped my lips I looked through my mirror. Only a few selected medications sat inside. With hope I may have left my medicine in my side table I go rushing towards it. Only to see I have none? As my mind rushed to remember where I might have put the container I see Spencer's night stand slightly open. He was always the one to have a spare. So he could have something I need.

My hands rummage through his belongings, only to find a glass bottle. A silver top in casing whatever is inside. A clear white liquid was what I saw. And with a tiny sticker saying Dilaudid. My eye brows fuse as I try to figure out what this could possibly be used for.

Once I had gotten dressed I opened my computer. Looking up this mysterious medication Reid had. My fingertips glide over the keyboard as I finally find a useful link, leading me to the right answers to my problem.

'High risk for addiction and dependence. Can cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol or other illicit drugs such as heroin or cocaine.'

Spencer hasn't been home in less than a week. I couldn't possibly remember how he was before then. And who knows how much of this medicine he has on him. The real question is why is he taking medicine that's not prescribed to him?

As I read more I find out some side effects this drug can cause to the human body. 'Such as; vomiting, flushing, mood changes, nausea, and so much more.' With this information I had to call up Hotch.

With only two rings he finally answered.

"Y/n?" He asks. His confusion was because I don't usually call him up, unless it was an emergency.

"Hey,  Aaron." I say with uncertainty. My teeth bite into my fingernails as I gain a hopeless bit in my stomach. How could I not known he was taking Dilaudid sooner? Why did he hide this from me? So many questions rang through my mind, only for Aaron's voice to call out for me. "Sorry, um."

"Everything okay?" He asks.

"Yes. Wait no. I mean." I stutter. I wasn't thinking straight.

"One second." He says. All I could hear was him excusing himself from whoever we was with at the moment and walking to somewhere secluded.

"Look, I ain't the one to rummage through someone's belongings without a cause." I say. "But, I found something." I say as I occasionally sniffle.

"You still not feeling well?" He asks and I just hum in response. "What did you find?" He asks.

"Some medical drug in Spencer's stuff." I say as I try to hold in tears. Aaron could hear me from the other side. "Something called Dilaudid?"

This a slight moment of quietness has left me confused. "Aaron?" I ask.

"Sorry. We are coming back later today. Maybe you should talk to him." He replys. He was clearly hiding something. For an FBI agent, you would think he would be more convincing.

I sigh. "Fine but, this stays between us?" I beg.

"Of course." He answers. As I hang up I lean back up on my bed. My head hits the soft pillow below me. Having to wait four hours till this man comes home to explain himself was causing me to feel scared. Scared for the both of us. I mean this drug could cause him harm. The main question now being, how'd he get this shit in his possession?


"Hey, babe!" I hear. Spence lays his case on top of the couch. Smiling as he pulls me in close. Only for me to not hug him back. His smile completely dying off as he sees my uncertainty. "You okay, y/n?" He asks as his hands land on my shoulders.

I felt like bursting into tears. His drug could kill him.

Spencer's eyes look at me with worry. Only for them to look down at my left arm. One that I had hidden behind my back, in casing the drug. "Whatcha got?" He asks as he motions to my back.

"Spence, I think we need to talk." I say in all seriousness. "Not about us." I say to clear the air. I could sense relief flowing off his shoulders. "About this." I whisper as I bring out the hand that had the glass bottle.

Spencer's eyes are now glossy. If he was hurting why couldn't he tell me? I would do anything for this man.

"I can explain." He whispers. Tears already flowing down his flushed cheeks. My thumb immediately wiped them away before they could pass his jaw.

"Why?" I ask. With my stuffed nose, this crying was making it hard to process my emotions correctly. I could hardly breathe already and now I'm leaving snot over my sleeves. "Talk to me, Hun." I whisper as I kiss his lips.

His lips were wet from the tears he wept. And with one tap my hand made on the sofa, he sat down. Adjusting his plaid tie as he cleared his throat. He then wiped his own tears with the bottom of his sweater. Leaving the piece of clothing drenched.

"Please." I beg. His eyes dart in my direction. They were red. I felt like I was dying, seeing him in his state he was in our living room. Where was the sweet boy I first met in the BAU elevator?

"Tobias." He whispers. "I was kidnapped on a case." He says while biting his lip. This was obviously before I joined the team cause I had no idea of it till now. "He drugged me with this over the case of 2 days. He said it would help with the pain." He explains as he rolls his eyes. I could feel my heart break in my chest as I learned his backstory. And clearly with how hard it was to explain, he was not as ready to go through the experience again. "He was mentally ill, with different personalities. One being his father." He sighs. "I almost died."

With that I pull him in. I rub his back as he sucks in some air. His warm breath grazing over my neck. I tried hard not to squirm as i was slightly ticklish.

I just hold him as he wept in my arms. He explained enough. And by the time night came by, the bottles of Dilaudid were thrown away and Reid agreed to get some help. I couldn't be happier than I am now. He talked and was  finally getting the help he needed. With such a crazy day, alll I wanted was my baby in my arms.

His head layed amongst my chest. Listening to my heart beat as he slept. He was too cute. My hands occasionally run through his curly locks as he groans. He liked it. And with that I fell asleep to his hands slightly rubbing my stomach and my hands protectively over his body.

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