Kakashi Chronicles: A Boy's Life on the Battlefield Part 1

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This story was originally owned by MinataNamikaze1 but since they were going to discontinue the story I adapted it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto characters but I do own Rin and the panther summons. Please leave a review.
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The Screen showed a forest that was moving by fast before going to show a certain 15-year-old Uchiha male running through it.

'This is bad,' Obito thought. 'If I don't hurry, he's going to kill me! Can I make it?' However, just then the goggle wearing Chunin tripped over a vine and landed in a clearing where he looked at his teammate. "Did I make it?"

"No, your late, Obito," Kakashi answered as he glared at him with his arms crossed over his chest. "What? Did you forget what time we were supposed to meet? When you're a full fledge shinobi your expected to follow all the rules and regulations."
Itachi giggled at that while the rest either smiled or rolled their eyes.
"Well, I was on my way when this feeble old lady with these heavy bags ask me for directions then I got something in my eyes and..."

"If you're going to lie at least make up a good one." Kakashi told him.

"Alright, Kakashi, that's enough," Minato told him as he looked at the two boys. "I'm sure Obito showed her the way to go. Right, Obito?"

"And carried her bags." Obito answered as he put eye drops into his eyes.

"Your too nice, Minato-Sensei," the silver hair Jonin told him. "Every time Obito's late, he says that he stopped to help some need person. Ninja, who break the rules and laws are regarded as nothing, but scum. Isn't that, right?"

The Namikaze laughed nervously at that.

"Don't you have a shard of kindness that heart of yours?" the Uchiha asked. "All you ever talk about is rules and regulation. The key is self- control."

This only got a glare and growl from the Hatake.

"Alright, let's calm down, you guys." Rin told them. "We're on the same team, remember?"
"Rin that is not going to work." Tsunade stated as she looked at the young girl.

All the 15-year-old brunette did was laugh nervously while Kushina nodded in agreement with the Senju.
"Your too easy on Obito, Rin." Kakashi stated as he looked back at her. "Remember that today is also a special day for me."

"Oh, yes, of course." the brunette agreed.

"Why is that again?" the Uchiha asked.

The group of four started to walk.
"Seriously, Obito?" Rin asked in shock. "I told you about this."

"I...I...I wasn't really listening," the Uchiha Chunin said as he looked away.

Kakashi snorted as that was such an Obito move that he wasn't surprised at all.
Episode 1: Kakashi Chronicle - A Boy's on the Battlefield, Part 1!

"As of today, Kakashi is a Jonin just like I am," Minato told Obito as they walked through a field. "For this mission Kakashi and I breaking up into two teams. That makes it more efficient. After all the Leaf's Military is at the lowest it's ever been."

"We're splitting up?" Obito asked. "So, then..."

"That's right," Minato answered. "Kakashi will be captain of a 3- man squad with you and Rin, Obito. And I'll be working alone."

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