4. Sketches

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"J, you're being dramatic," I say, rolling my eyes as I sip my tea. 

We're sitting at our usual spot in the campus coffee shop, while Jake has been going on about Liam since our encounter with him in class. 

"I'm not being dramatic, Em," Jake insists, leaning forward. 

"I'm just saying, he was acting a bit weird yesterday. Did you see the way he looked at us?"

I chuckle, shaking my head. "He looked at us like any normal person would, J. You're reading too much into it."

Jake frowns, his brows knitting together in concern. "I don't know. It was more than just a look. It was... intense."

I sigh, nodding. "Ok fine, yes. It was a bit awkward but what was I supposed to do? It's not like I could just pretend he wasn't there."

I look down at my tea, the steam curling up in delicate spirals.

My mind drifts back to the summer when Liam and I were sixteen. 

It was one of those perfect days where the sky was clear and blue, and the sun was just the right amount of warmth. 

Liam had surprised me with a picnic by the lake, a spot we'd discovered together the previous summer.

We spread out the blanket and unpacked the basket Liam had carefully prepared.

"Did you make these?" I asked, holding up a slightly misshapen cookie.

He blushed, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah. They might not look perfect, but they taste good, I promise."

I took a bite, and my face lit up with a smile. "Wow, these taste amazing." 

He grinned while blushing, clearly pleased. "I'm glad you like them."

We spent the afternoon lying on the blanket, talking about everything and anything. At one point, Liam pulled out a small book from his backpack.

"What's that?" I asked, curious.

He hands the book to me, and I carefully open it, flipping through the pages. 

Each sketch is more impressive than the last - with detailed drawings of landscapes, people, and abstract designs. 

I was in awe of his talent.

"These are amazing, Liam," I say, genuinely impressed. 

He blushes slightly, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah? I'm glad you think so." 

As I continue flipping through the sketchbook, I suddenly freeze. 

There, on one of the pages, is a detailed sketch of me. I'm sitting on a bench, looking off into the distance while happily smiling. The detail is uncanny. 

Liam clears his throat, a bit hesitant but willing to explain. 

"I wanted to capture you the way I see you," he begins, his voice soft but sincere.

"Your long brown hair, the way it falls naturally over your shoulders. I tried to show the warmth in your skin, that slight tan you get from being outside." 

"And your eyes... I wanted to get them just right, that deep brown that always seems to reflect so much." 

"It was important to me that the background stayed blurred, so that all the focus is on you, on how beautiful you are."

"Emma? Earth to Emma," Jake's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. 

"Sorry, what?" I blink, focusing back on Jake.

"I asked if you're ready for the lecture," he says, giving me a knowing look. "You seemed lost in thought there for a minute."

"Yeah, just thinking about... things," I say vaguely, standing up and grabbing my bag. 

"Let's go."

Jake and I walk side by side towards our lecture hall, the campus buzzing with activity. 

Jake glances at me, his curiosity evident. "So, you're meeting up with Liam later, right?" he asks, his voice cautious. 

"You never talk much about your past with him. What was it like being neighborhood friends?"

I hesitate, my footsteps slowing as I grapple with the memories I've tried so hard to forget. 

"It was... a long time ago," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. 

"We were close, but things got complicated. It's just not something I like to dwell on."

Jake doesn't let it go, his concern turning into a slight frown. 

"But you must have some good memories, right? I mean, you guys were best friends for years. Why won't you talk about it?"

I sigh, feeling cornered. "J, it's complicated. Some things are better left in the past."

He presses on, his tone firmer. 

"Em, I get that, but you can't just ignore it forever. If you're going to see him again, maybe talking about it will help."

I stop walking and look at him, my frustration bubbling up. 

"J, I've moved on. Bringing up the past isn't going to change anything. Please, just let it be."

Jake's expression hardens, his eyes narrowing slightly. 

"You always do this, Em. You shut me out whenever things get tough. Why can't you just be honest with me for once?"

His words sting, and I feel a surge of anger rise within me. 

"Maybe it's because I don't want to relive all the hurt just to satisfy your curiosity!"

He steps back, taken aback by my outburst. 

"Em, I'm just trying to help. I thought we were friends. I thought you could trust me."

"I do trust you," I say, my voice cracking with emotion. 

"But some wounds are too deep to share. You don't understand."

Jake shakes his head, frustration etched on his face. "Maybe I don't. But I can't help feeling like you're pushing me away."

"Jake, please. Just drop it."

"Fine. If that's how you want it." 

He looks at me, his eyes filled with a mix of hurt and anger before turning and walking away.


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