11. Runs

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The morning light filtered through the thin curtains, casting a soft glow across the room.

I lay there for a moment, listening to the quiet hum of the campus waking up outside. The air was still, carrying the faint scent of dew from the garden below.

I roll over and glance at my phone on my nightstand. It was still early, but I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. With a sigh, I pushed the covers off and walk towards the mirror. 

I ran a hand through my long brown hair, attempting to smooth it down before grabbing my brush and working through the knots. 

Behind me, I hear a groan from Eloise's bed. I turn to see her slowly sitting up, her hair a wild tangle around her face. She squints at me, her expression groggy. 

"Morning," I said softly, giving her a sympathetic smile.

Eloise rubbed her temples and let out a dramatic sigh. "Morning. I think I had a bit too much to drink last night."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "You don't say. You were having quite the time on the dance floor."

She playfully rolls her eyes, smiling. "Yeah, well, I might have overdone it a little. My head feels like it's been trampled by a herd of horses."

I laugh, setting my brush down and walking over to her. "You want some water? Maybe some aspirin?"

Eloise nods. "Yes, please. You're a lifesaver."

I grab a bottle of water from my desk and rummage through the drawer for the aspirin. Handing them to her, I watched as she downed the pills and took a long drink of water.

"Thanks," she said, leaning back against her pillow. "So how are you feeling after last night?"

I hesitated, the memories of the dance flashing through my mind. "I'm... okay. Yeah, I'm good." 

Eloise nodded, her expression softening. "Yeah? I'm glad, Em."

I gave her a small smile, but my thoughts were already drifting back to the balcony conversation with Liam. His words, his presence, the tension that seemed to hang between us - it was all still so fresh.

"Anyway," Eloise said, breaking my thoughts. "What are your plans for today?"

I shrug, trying to shake off the lingering heaviness. "I think I'll just take it easy. Maybe go for a run, clear my head."

"Sounds like a good idea," she said, closing her eyes and leaning back. 

"I think I'll stay in bed for a bit longer. Try to sleep off this hangover."


I took off for a run around campus, hoping the physical activity and the early morning air would help clear my mind.

As I rounded a corner and approached the campus pond, I noticed a familiar figure standing near the water's edge. It was Claire, and she looked upset. 

As I approached, I could see the sadness etched on her face. Despite everything, I couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy.

"Hey, Claire," I called out, slowing to a walk as I reached her. "Are you okay?"

She looked up, startled by my presence. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and she quickly wiped away a tear. "Oh, hi Emma," she said, her voice shaky. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine," I said gently. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Claire hesitated, glancing around as if checking to see if anyone else was watching. After a moment, she sighed and nodded. "I guess it can't hurt," she murmured, more to herself than to me.

We moved to a nearby bench, sitting down with the pond's tranquil surface reflecting the morning light. Claire took a deep breath before speaking. 

"Liam and I... we weren't officially together or anything but we were... close," she began. "And last night, he told me that we should just stay as friends. Nothing more."

"I'm really sorry to hear that," I said softly. "That must be really hard."

She nodded, staring down at her hands. "It is. I thought we had something special, but I guess I was wrong. He said he needed space to think about things, and that he couldn't give me what I wanted."

I sighed, feeling the weight of her words. "It sounds like he's confused about a lot of things right now."

Claire let out a bitter laugh. "Confused is an understatement. I just don't understand why he led me on if he didn't feel the same way."

I bit my lip, unsure of what to say. I knew all too well how confusing and frustrating Liam could be. "Maybe he didn't mean to," I offered. "Sometimes people don't realise the impact they have on others until it's too late."

Claire looked at me, her eyes searching mine for something - understanding, maybe. 

"You know him well, don't you?" she asked quietly.

I nodded. "Yeah, we.. um, we used to be close friends."

She sighed again, leaning back against the bench. "I guess I just have to accept it and move on. It's just... hard."

"I get that," I said, placing a comforting hand on her arm. "But you're strong, Claire. You'll get through this."

She gave me a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, Emma. It means a lot."

As I stood up to continue my run, I turned to her one last time. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here," I said.

Claire nodded, her smile a little brighter this time. "I appreciate that."

After finishing my run, I decided to head to the campus coffee shop to grab a drink and catch my breath. 

The smell of fresh coffee and baked goods greeted me as I walked in, instantly lifting my spirits. 

As I scanned the room, I spotted Jake sitting at our usual table by the window, staring into his cup with a furrowed brow.

A mischievous idea popped into my head, and I quietly crept up behind him, careful not to make any noise. When I was right behind him, I leaned down and whispered, "Boo!"

Jake jumped, almost spilling his coffee. He turned around, his eyes wide with surprise, before breaking into a relieved smile. "You scared the crap out of me Em!"

I laughed, sliding into the seat across from him. "Mission accomplished. But seriously, what's up? You look like you've been contemplating the meaning of life."

Jake's smile faltered, and he glanced down at his coffee again, avoiding my gaze. "Oh, it's nothing," he mumbled, his fingers tracing the rim of his cup.

I frowned, leaning forward. "Come on, J. I know you better than that. Something's bothering you. What is it?"

He let out a sigh, finally lifting his eyes to meet mine. There was a heaviness in his gaze that made my heart sink. 

I reached across the table and placed my hand over his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "J, you can talk to me about anything. You know that, right?"

He finally meets my gaze, but his eyes are filled with a mix of guilt and confusion. 

"Em, I... I kissed Eloise last night. During the dance."


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