Redeem Me

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I watched as he made his way around the room, greeting the early patrons. His deep brown eyes shone bright as every smile creeped up into them. His laugh was genuine, carrying from the depths of his belly to echo around the room. Sunshine incarnate. He was painfully beautiful, the sun casting amber shades to his pupils before they landed on me with a heavy intensity that made my breath catch in my chest.

His face was animated, involved in the conversation he was in but his eyes were focused on me. I watched him take me in, roaming from my head to my mouth to my chest to my feet then back up again before tearing his gaze from me and back to the man in front of him. A tingle traveled through me, warming my stomach as a blush warmed my cheeks.

It felt wrong to be attracted to the preacher but he was so goddamn attractive. He was the reason I showed up every Sunday and Wednesday night as embarrassing as it was.  Today he was clad in a black three piece suite with a black dress shirt and gray tie underneath. His dress shoes shone in the light, obviously well taken care of. The suit gave him more edge, making him even more attractive. His onyx hair was well past his ears, his bangs framing his face. His rouge color lips were plump and inviting, my eyes naturally finding their way to them. His slim fingers were adorned with silver rings that glittered in the light.

I tried to keep myself focused on the conversation I was having with a fellow patron but all I could think about was him. I pressed a hand to my cheek as another round of heat ran through it, his eyes finding me again. From my peripheral, I saw him shift before I heard soft steps making their way to me.

His angelic voice filled the space around me. He turned to face me, a hand coming to my shoulder before falling down my arm, lingering at my fingers. My stomach fluttered at the touch as my face heated again. I looked towards my feet, unable to look him in his eyes at that moment.

“If you'll excuse me,” I heard him say, “I need to borrow her for a moment.”

My head snapped up, eyes bearing into him. Confusion laced my thoughts as I stuttered through a goodbye before turning to follow the preacher towards the front of the sanctuary. The stage was centered in the room, two rows of chairs in the center for the choir. To my right there was an area for the band consisting of a keyboard, two guitars, and a drum set in a plexiglass box. The pulpit was to the left, catty cornered slightly. Along the back was a door leading to a room holding a baptismal tub.

My stomach is simultaneously in knots and full of butterflies as my nerves begin to get the best of me. I wring my hands together as I follow behind him as he opens the door. He gestures for me to go in first so I step inside, suddenly hyper aware of how my clothing fits. My dress is loose but it accents all my assets in ways I didn't mean.

I make my way into the room, running my hands down my dress to smooth it mainly out of nerves more than need. I watch as he locks the door before turning to me, his eyes roaming all over me. The hunger written in them takes me aback but also sends another tingle into my core. His tongue snakes out of his mouth, running along his bottom lip before he pulls it in with his teeth.

A smirk splays across his face as he walks towards me. Another flutter passes through my stomach and heat builds between my thighs. He approaches me, his hand reaching to play with the curl hanging against my cheek.

“Such a beauty you are.” he murmurs softly into the space between us.

“I've been watching you for weeks. You look delicious, sinfully so and I need to know how you taste.” The corners of his lips turn upward as they pull into another devious smirk. I don't have time to think much less respond before he has his lips against mine. They are soft, quite the contrast to the kiss itself. It's heavy, laced with desire. His fingers snake into my hair, now cradling the side of my face while the opposite hand runs down to grab my hip, pulling me against him abruptly. My hands come to hips, my fingers digging into his flesh.

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