Derek Hale - Teen Wolf

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Is what i was as soon as i saw one of my closest friends walking through the doors as a completely different person.

i was also hurt because i knew who was responsible for that.

As I shockingly turned to see her she came over our table.

I stood up immediately and hugged her with a slight smile. And she returned either of those things

"Wow Erica thats a huge change what happened?" I said looking at her

"Why Jealous? I always knew you were jealous of me. And am just telling you i don't want to be friends with you anymore. I only used you so i  could be seen. You are popular for some weird reason in this school. And i needed attention. But guess what. Now i have it without your help." She said looking at me with only hatred in her eyes while she threw her apple on my table and splashed her water all over me.

All i could do was just stand there looking at her.


Something i never expected from her. I know the sudden boost confidence was from the bite. So I didn't let myself feel really hurt by her words cause i feel like she partly didn't mean half the things she said. She couldn't.

After standing like an idiot shocked by her words I followed her outside.

"Erica you don't mean that. Please tell me you don't" i said after we were both outside. She turned to look at me. I noticed what seemed like hurt flashing in her eyes but then being replaces with anger.

"I do actually. I really do. Do you have any idea how it feels to finally be someone? What it feels like when people turn to look at just me?" Erica said walking closer to me

"Why are you telling me that like its my fault. For so many years we have been friends and i never once talked shit about you, blame you let alone embarrass you infront of the whole school. Erica you are like a sister to me i dont get it. Have i really being in the wrong here?" I said as my eyes started to get glossy and tears were threatening to fall.

All she did was look down seeming to have regret what she did. And then turned around walking towards a car I didn't even noticed being there. She opened the door to a car i knew too well. Without spearing a last glance at me she went in the car. The driver looked at me with sadness and all i did was stare with just anger.

Derek then turned to look at Erica and just shocked his head disapprovingly.

I was quite for the rest of the day at school. Getting stares around school and people purposely pushing me and spilling their drinks around me or on me. I didn't react to any of them. I didn't even talk to anyone and just wanted the day to be over.

I started making my way towards my bike my thoughts all over the place. I biked all the way to my house with tears pouring out of my eyes.

I took my key opened the door and went straight to my room.

I threw my bag on the floor and flopped into my bed finally sobbing as loud as i can knowing no one is home.

All the emotions hitting me like a brick.
The anger ,the hurt ,the betrayal ,the sadness

Not just by my supposedly best friend but also boyfriend.

I have been friends with Erica since i can remember. She was the girl that first smiled at me in kindergarten. The first person i asked if we could be friends with while giving her a lollipop. The girl i first hanged out with. The girl i first cried with for stupid things. The girl i had my first ever sleepover with. She was like a sister to me. Or at least thats what i thought and felt.

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