Prolougue-Lucia & Vance

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She stood in the doorway, not looking back carrying a bag in her hand. She said nothing to the woman carrying a baby in one of her arms and a child that seemed to be at the age of 7 that held the crying woman’s hand, such cries could not reach the woman. The woman gripping the bag in such a way that her knuckles were white. she turned away so her lover wouldn’t see her tears.

“I promise to come back, so farewell for now. And if I don’t come back--” She was interrupted by a tall man who seemed to be the girl’s sibling.

“We WILL come back, so shut up with the doubts sis.”

“So this isn’t goodbye.” The girl’s lover said tears staining her face.

“Yeah... We WILL come back, don’t worry... Maria.” The door shut, and the cries of a woman could no longer reach the lady. She left the 3 alone, without saying another word.

Lucia’s P.O.V.

I walked through town carrying boxes of gear for my older brother Vance, we are working on a customer's engine who wanted us to modify it for him. As I got closer to the shop I saw several girl around there watching my brother work and manufacture the machine. I got annoyed already, everyday girls would show up at the shop and watch my brother since he's very fit for a guy his age.

"Vance, I got the parts we need. And can you please get these girls to go away? They're already annoying the fuck outta me." I complained to him, his eyes stillfixedonthemachine.

"Well sorry Lucia, I know they're pests but we got to ignore them and finish our job." I sighed as I looked at him, he looked like our uncle Lance who left when me and Vance were just babies. Both of them with firey red hair, similar body structures along with similiar horrible eyesight. Vance wears goggles to help him see but he only uses them for when he's working. I look alot like my other mother Lily. We both had black hair, a similar body structure but our only difference was that I don't have bad eyesight and my bangs are naturally streaked red.

As I dropped the gears next to Vance I heard whispers that royalty has come into this depression pit of dirt they call a town. I was curious so I decided to find out where the royal blood would be. And my curiosity was confirmed by my friend Alicia. She's been my friend since as long as I can remember. Alicia had long black hair that was always tied up in a bun, she's not much taller than me but has a good slim, fit body for a mechanic. She helps us out occasionally but mostly comes here to see my brother Vance like all the other girls.

"Lucia! You know how everyone keeps talking about these royals being here? For once it's true I saw them with my own eyes." My eyes widened a bit. This usually never happened.

“I need to see this for myself. Where are they exactly?" I asked curiously.

“Down 2nd street, not too far from here." Alicia said, her eyes slowly drifting to my brother.

"Hey Vance I'm going out for a bit." I told my brother so he wouldn't worry.

"Alright but bring your gun, you know how many perverted old dudes are out there." I nodded and set off grabbing my modified magnum 50 caliber with me, strapping it on my tool belt.

"See you Lucia! I'll stay here and make sure nobody will creep on your brother." She said blushing a bit.

I continued my walk down near 2nd street, hearing constant gossip around me. They talked about a thing called the Razak, and the royalty coming here too. I kept moving ahead until I saw a girl and a boy in royal clothing, I then saw the local pervert Billiam talking to the girl. I don't know what it was, I could’ve minded my own business, but something about it made me more irritated than usual. So I did what I had to do.

I walked up to the pervert with my fists clenched, and a smirk across my face I shouted at his to get his attention.

"Billiam, still harrasing the girls I see." The fat bastard turned around with that pervy smile on his face. It pissed me off just looking at it, so much I gave him an uppercut to the jaw that sent him flying up then making him fall back head first to the ground on his fat ass.I sighed. This fat bastard always did that, he deserved that punch to the jaw.

“Excuse me young lady, but do you happen to know where the Mayor may be? My sister and I you see, have an appointment with this man regarding a shipment of engines.” I was suddenly surprised by the words of a man behind me. He had on noble attire complete with a top hat and a cane, rather pale skin and brown eyes. His hair, long bangs slightly covered one eye, and the rest was tied his a pale blonde ponytail.

"Yes, of course. If you continue down this street you'll hit the center of the town, there should be a big fountain there and the fountain is right in front of your destination." I replied.

“Ah, I thank you dearly for the assistance. I’d hate to be more of a bother, but I didn’t happen to catch your name.” He said with a warm, charming smile to my eyes. I smiled back at him.

"I'm Lucia, if you ever want to find me again look for the mechanic shop that's surrounded by girls. You won’t miss it.” I looked to the side and saw his sister. She also had pale skin and pale blonde hair, but her hair was so long it nearly touched her knees. A ponytail on her head touched her back, and bangs fell forward. Her face was beautiful, so much I felt my heart drop when I saw her. Her face was in a sort of pain I felt I needed to heal so I went to her with a smile, touching her hand and kissing it softly like a gentleman would.

“It's been a pleasure to meet you, but please be careful." The girl looked at me condescendingly the dark, cold steps into the secret unknown.

“Snap your fingers Lucia, just trust me.” my mother whispered, my sister did so and there, flames right on the tips of her fingers. “Don’t panic, relax. Those flames won’t hurt you, they’re with cold eyes.

“It has. I believe we should be on our way brother.” Then she moved her hands away from mine to walk to her brother.

“Then we’d best be on our way. I pray safe journeys for you Lucia!” They soon left my sight going up second street towards the fountain. I walked back to the shop where I found the fangirls and Alicia were having a war right in front of the shop, Vance was still modifying the engine like nothing is happening. Only thing that was irritating is that the small war the fangirls and Alicia were having. So I went up to them to break it up, like I usually have to.

“Dammit! Get the hell out of you here you horny fangirls!” Just then, some screamed and ran in fear. They scattered everywhere trying not to press my anger any more. Some didn’t though.

“Why should we listen to you!? We’re just encouraging Vance!” One yelled at me. The others

join in to help her, too many spoke at once to understand them Ugh, it pissed me off so much. I don’t know what came over me, I started to bare my teeth and something growing on my back. Then they finally ran screaming, “M-monster!” or “W-what the hell is she?!” When they left I soon calmed down as everything fell back to normal and I was a bit confused as to what had just happened. Last time I checked I wasn’t some kind of ferocious beast.

Then I touched my irritated back and was shocked. There was something there that wasn’t before, and I felt it more. I felt feathers covering it like wings, I could feel the bone where it holds. I plucked one feather to find it black, I then felt my teeth, my canine teeth seemed sharper and larger. Then I pressed on it with a finger and it pierced through my skin easily, making my finger bleed a little. "Ow... what the hell..."

I then touched my head to find horns curled like a ram, but it felt ice cold.

"L-lucia? A-are you alright? What's happening to you?" I looked over to Alicia

"Calm down... You know I ain't going to hurt you.." As I said that my mother came in through the door and gasped at my appearance but she wasn't afraid. In fact, she smiled a bit.

"I honestly thought your true form wouldn't come out so quickly." She said with a soft giggle.

"What do you mean mother?" I said, fear obviously in my voice.

"Let's just say you're a.... vampiric fallen angel..." My eyes widened at her statement. She was about to say more to my shocked face, Vance's too, until we all heard and felt a giant quake.

“W-what the hell was that!?”

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