Chapter 1

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Jao was an outcast since who knows how long...
Elementary, highschool....yeah pretty weird for a young boy right, He was not a target of bully, nor was he abused he's just really unfit in any way, he lives well with his parents, he even attends a private school....he had everything a young person can want and yet he was an outcast he never fits, he's like a rounded shape in an area of boxes, he didn't mind, he really did not, but it also gets a little lonely for him, no one could blame him.

I guess even destiny itself spoke as in his Senior years he met his now circle of friends, maybe it's much better to know how and when they met...

Jao's Perspective

" Jao! son you'll have to enroll yourself for this years class dad can drive you, he was needed at work and i already made plans... "

Jao's mother explained

" It's fine mom, i can do it "

" I'm so sorry son, c'mon now hurry it's late "

" It's ok mom, really, i think it's time i take care of it myself hahahaha " jao chuckled aloud

" Ok ok, fine you Big Boy, Go on now Dad's waiting for you "

"Hmm ok, bye mom! Love you! "

" I love you more honey, tell dad to drive safe "

They exchanged as Jao went out the house and sat in their car

" All ready? "

" Yep! Mom said to drive safe "

" Hey! I always drive safe... "

"Yeah right dad ok, let's go now you have work "

" Yes boss! "

His dad uttered sarcastically leaving both of them cackling to themselves as they drove away

In a short while they arrived at jao's school, as jao was about to leap out of the car his dad stopped him

" Son Here's the tuition to pay full today, i'll give you extra money to spend with your friends too "

" Dad, you know i don't have friends here.. " He uttered whiningly to his dad

" C'mon now son i know you'll have friends this year i feel it "

" fine i'll take it, drive safe, love you "

" ok! Ah by the way don't be out too late i have a surprise for you "

Jao hummed in response as he walked towards his school, as he entered through the front door a cold air then hit his face, he then trailed to the front desk to ask for the enrollment form, as he was waiting, another guy went up to him

" Hi! Are you here for enrollment? "

" hi..uhm yes "

" oh goodie hahaha, i wanna ask where and how to enroll, i'm new, oh by the way im Jed! "

" Im Jao, Nice you meet you Jed, Actually if your new you'll have to go to the principal's office and settle about your year and your data form from your previous school.. "

Pretty Little Outcast (Sailubpon/Alanjeff)Where stories live. Discover now