Chapter 2

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Jao's perspective

I was awoken by my alarm, i looked at it and saw that it's already 5:30 he had classes at 7, i then got up to get ready, by the time i went down it was already 6, i greeted my parents and sat at our dinner table

"Goodmorning hatchling"

"Goodmorning dad, please stop calling me a hatchling"

"Why not!? It's cute tho" dad teased, yeah it's cute but im all grown up now, i sighed and just accepted it

"Breakfast honey, eat well and fast you'll make jed and shone wait for you again" just then someone knocked at our door

*huh speaking of those little rascals* they entered and greeted my parents

"Goodmorning Mr. And Mrs. Aiemkumchai" they greeted

"Oh please just call us aunt and uncle, or maybe you want mom and dad"

I shot a glare at my mom

"Oh we'll just stick to aunt and uncle little hatchling is jealous, thank you Auntie" Shone teases

"Oh c'mon you guys too?? Stop calling me hatchling"

"That's why your my favorite shone!" Dad celebrated and praising shone leaving mom and jed laughing

"Am i even your son at this point" i uttered making them chuckle

"Breakfast?" Mom offered them

"No thank you auntie we already ate, Thank you! We'll just wait for jao"

" ok then "

After eating i then called my friends out so we can go and leave for our classes, i'm not having pok's nagging up my ass for taking his boyfriend late for school, that little devil

After a short drive we arrived at our schools parking lot, went out and made our way to our lockers after putting our stuff away and only taking our books i stepped back just then a tall guy bumped onto me

"I'm so sorry i didn't mean too!" I said apologeticaly and bent down to gather mine and his things that had fallen

"It's fine, i apologize too" he said bending down infront of me and helping me, he handed me my stuff as i handed him some of his things

"Thank you! Im sorry again" i again then remarked as he just smiled and walked away, he's really nice compared to he other students, then My other friends walked up to me

"What..was that!" Mick remarked

"That was totally straight out of the k-drama" yel then continued

"Right!!!?" Mick replied,

Ugh this two when will hey grow up, litteraly.

But they were right tho that was lowkey cute haha...stop it jao what the fuck is wrong with you

"I think our little hatchling has fallen inlovee" shone teased

"Oooohh~~~" the other chimed in

"Oh shut up! We don't even know who he is"

"I can help with that little hatchling" pok offered as he winked and made a 'tsk' sound

"So you agree that you did find him likeable~" jed said

"No!! No not at all let's just go to class!"

"Let's meet at the cafeteria!" Yel shouted at the others

As pok put his thumbs up walking away with shone and mick

Lunch time came around as me, jed and yel waited for the others in the cafeteria moments later mick was running to our direction looking excited

"Guys! Good news we know who he is" mick remarked as he continued
"Ok so his name is Kao Hemmawich, A 3rd year in our faculty, i think he also has 5 friends, all i know is that 3 of them was 2nd year like us and two are from your faculty and one is Ben from our faculty"

He's a third year Engineering? What was he doing here at our department..?

"Wha-" we all said in a shock

"How the hell did you guys gather that information so fast??" Yel said shocked

"Easy, Ben is our classmate and we are pretty close, we saw P'kao meet him earlier so we asked" Pok defended

"Well damn i guess?? What are you guys detectives?" I said sarcastically

" i guess we are cause get this, there is a party happening this weekend ben invited us and said we can also call up some friends " shone added

" How the hell do you guys know so much in a span of 4 hours?!" Jed flared

Just then a guy walked up to yel

"Hey cutie, let's go out after school" the guy asked

"I told you just message me!" Yel whisper shouted the guy

"Ben?!" Pok called out

"Oh hey pok!"

"What are you doing here?....and flirting with our friend too..i thought you have a lover?"

"Yeah, i do, mind introducing me to them yel?"

"Fine, you left me no choice, guys this is ben the guy i was telling you about, ben these are my friends"

" Yo what!??!!" The other said shocked especially mick

"You betrayed me yel you said you won't have a boyfriend until i do" mick said dramatically

"I can introduce you to my bestfriend" ben remarked while chuckling making mick look up at him, he then went up to ben and berrated the guy about the said best friend

"I wont say much and only give you his number, he is one of my friends in the architecture faculty, name's Tier" Ben said as he handed mick his phone back

What the hell is going on? Now more than half of the group is taken??

"Thank you, you can have yel now no need to bring hin back" mick teased making yel shot up a look towards him

"Ai'Mick!" Yel started to chase mick around

This is so much to take on, i sighed as those rascals chased eachother

"You guys Are invited to the party this weekend i'll share the location! Hope to see you there!" Ben announced as he walked up to his friends after awhile i looked towards ben's direction and i swear our eyes met for a second there, i looked away as soon as possible and finally hearing mick and yel stopping with their chasing agenda is this weekend finally gonna be our first big party?


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