i wrote smtg

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yeah i finally wrote smtg (only for a writing event in dannos discord server lmaooo)


(slight tw: violence, slight reference to blood)

Riggy sighed, he just finished modelling for the short of the day. Danno looked through the footage for a bit before turning to Riggy.

“Alright, that should be good.” He said as Riggy groaned. “Ugh, finally.” Danno shook his head and sighed in annoyance, though he was pretty used to it at this point. He went to go to his room to edit the short, leaving Riggy alone.

The runkey was going to teleport away but he stopped himself after hearing a strange noise. The sound of ripping paper..

Riggy turned to the graph paper and followed the noise that was echoing the empty void. He was eventually found with a penguin.


He let out a scream before stumbling back slightly, he was terrified of penguins after.. well… a certain event. Even though Riggy was scared, he couldn’t lose himself to his own fear.

He raised his arm, teleporting a knife into his hand before slashing down on the penguin. He looked down at the penguin making sure it was dead and wouldn’t get back up. Riggy watched as a red liquid seeped into the graph paper ground below him and the unconscious penguin.

“Where did he even…” The rabbit-monkey’s voice trailed off as his eyes caught a rip in the paper wall, the rip led to a forest nearby Toonville. The rip was relatively small, it probably wouldn’t be enough to fit someone taller than that penguin.

He paused, he didn’t remember making an opening in a forest nor one that small. “I don’t think I left that…”

The realisation suddenly dawned on him as his eyes widened.

“..Are they figuring out…?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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