Part: 2

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The exam day came in no time. The exam for class C vs Class D is being held in a big hall room. There are many battles that is already over. Surprisingly,the matchups school made are even. For example, academically capable students matched up with same level of student. Perhaps,it's done so that we can come to a unanimous conclusion about the event. 

Already 21 matches are done. A lot of dice games or rock paper scissors games are selected as Events by less capable students. As expected. So far the scores are:

Class C : 12

Class D : 09

[ Matsushita vs Hiyori]

Event: 2 truth one lie.( Unanimously selected)

Rule : play will continue until one lose.

Matsushita and Hiyori agreed with that rather than some event based on luck.She believed in her abilities to observe. 

" So,let me start. Hiyori san."Matsushita then pointed out 3 statement about her,

1. I am from a rich family.

2. I have B in academics.

3. My physical abilities are below average.

After some time,Hiyori declared 3 as a lie. She was correct. At first, Matsushita wanted to see Hiyori's though process.Then in next rounds ,she will be able to deceive her. But she wasn't ready for what was coming.

Hiyori's three statement:

1. I don't have a secret crush on someone.

2. My class leader Ryuuen Kun has beaten every boy physically who opposed him.

3. My father is a writer.

" That's some statements Hiyori san.

" As per rules, I made statements about myself of someone I am very close to. Technically my class is the closest thing to me, isn't it?"

" Yeah,but..."

Matsushita had to make a decision. At first, Matsushita remembered about  Hiyori frequently visiting Library. So maybe her dad is actually a writer. Ryuuen Kun is a delinquent and a class leader. So ofc he would have beaten everyone who opposed him. She even said that every "boy'. So this must be true. So the lie has to be the first one.Its not unnatural to have a crush on someone. It has been 2 months already.

" Number 1 is a lie , isn't it? I chose 1."

"Incorrect. According to school's security, Ryuuen in fact couldn't beat everyone in his class that opposed him. So you lose." The instructor watching over their match declared.

"What!" Matsushita couldn't believe she just lost. 

" But what if she has a crush . She might be lying. It would become 2 lie vs 1 truth then."

As a last resort, Matsushita argued.

" When setting up the rules,you never mentioned that we have to prove every statement. So as long as you can prove that my first statement was also a lie,you have nothing to do. I am Sorry Matsushita san. It's an exam. So I had to make an approach like that."

With her defeat,along with 3 other matches,the scores are like:

Class C : 14

Class D : 10

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2024 ⏰

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