Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in m.a.t.a arena..
-btw alilicia and rudyman are already a couple in this story-

Alicia:hey ali what are you up to?

Ali:oh hi icha nothing just working on a gadget

Alicia:did the international agents get back from the mission yet i think agent geetha will call all of us for briefing soon

Ali:oh well im not sure but they probably about to finish by now ifff they didn't encounter any problem

-im not expirienced enough to write mission plots so excuse me-

The international agents were in a car..
Rizka and aleks went to get the mission priority object.
While kim and sam's job was to disperse the protestors in front of dato hishams building.
Sam was in the driver seat while kim was next to him..

Sam:wellll these people seem like a pain right here

Kim:well i get why they are mad but how are we gonna make it clear that this is all a misunderstanding *sigh*
And remember sam no using weapons we don't wanna hurt them

Sam:yeah Yeah but what are we supposed to do now?

Kim:let's just get in there

They both got out of the car and started aprouching the protestors.

Kim:everyone please calm down!
Suddenly a man from the protestors aprouched kim

Man:Hey where do you think you are going missy?!


One of sams nerves got stuck as he saw the man grabbing kim's arm

Sam:Hey out of the way fella or else i'm getting you arrested for assault

Man:who are you? Some kind of cop? Even the kids are on this now! Hahahhaha

Sam was about to raise his fist to punch the guy but kim stopped him

Kim:*grabs his hand*wait don't!

Sam:*calms down*
They manage to enter dato hishams office and discussed With him what was going on..


The agents got back to the arena

Chris:oh hey rizka got back?

Rizka:hi Chris yeah just gave in the objective

Chris:well uhh i was just wondering if you wanna go and train With me?..

Rizka:sure!let's go

They went away.. Aleks went to the room to rest while sam and kim headed to the lab

Kim:hey are you gonna check you gadget?


Kim:well i will be Tuning up a bit..

Kim was Tuning her gadget until one of the strings went off

Kim:huh? This never other something wrong With my guitar?

Sam:here let me have a look..

Sam aprouched kim to check her guitar.. Kim slightly blushed as sam was so Close to her.. And then an anouncment came that agent geetha wanted all the young agents to come to the briefing room..

Welll thats the first part! It was a bit short and eventless but dw this is just the begining✨don't forget to vote! Or anything to raise the story so others can enjoy :)

Ejen ali fanfic:Kim x samWhere stories live. Discover now