Chapter 2

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All the agents have gathered in the briefing room

Geetha:so today we will be doing some detective work that's why you all will be partenered into 2 regardless of the pillars all of you have to get info or anything that leads to the enemy base or the victims.... *after explaining*

Geetha:ok the pairs will be like this.. Ali you will be With alicia
Khai you're With aleks
Sam and kim
Jet and roza
Chris and rizka
Zass and moon
Iman and rudy
Mika and bulat
That's all for now you all are free to leave.

Everyone leaves to discuss what they will do With they're partners..

Kim:hey sam how about we go to one of the safe houses to do some research there?

Sam:sure let's go

They leave the arena and head to one of the safehouses which is somewhere in the city.. While travelling sam had peaks on kim he felt she was..attractive? as she is closer to him..they arrive at the safe house and sit to do some research in the computer and spying through sams bracelet camera.

Night time

Disclaimer:the upcoming scene is inspired by a dbh fan movie on youtube by octopunks media just so i won't be stealing any ideas i will be giving credits and to add some drama to the couple.


Kim:if you are tired then you can get some sleep i have something up

Sam:alright..Tell me if you need anything, good night

Kim:good night

Half an hour later kim was typing on the computer until she heard something




Kim quickly got up and ran to the bedroom

Sam:*crying in a muffled voice*

Kim:hey..sam wake up calm down!

Sam:*woke up breathing heavily*

Kim:it was just a nightmare..

Sam:y-you are still awake?'s only been half an hour?

Sam:well uh um ok i.. *sigh*

Kim:do you want me to stay With you? İt will help comfort..

Sam:oh no i'm good

Kim:okay.. İ will be in the other room if you need anything..

Kim was about to walk away until sam started speaking

Sam:i..uh had a dream about the past..

Kim approached him and sat on the bed listening

Sam:it was uhh the times i used to be bullied back home.. I once messed up with a nasty group of bullies at school then got into a big fight even teachers interfered right after i ran away from school bruised and bleeding running in the streets that's when agent leon found me..he immedietly took me to a  clinic to heal my injuries and then one thing Led to another and this is how i became an agent in mata..

Kim:well this seems like a happy ending..why is it a nightmare? Said kim softly

Sam:that's exactly the nightmare just nobody appears i just pass out in the street or the police are after me cause i fought back and i caused injuries to the guy...said sam in a slightly shivering tone

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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