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"Dusshasana's loss has hurt us deeply, Duryodhan...and now, it seems inevitable that the battle will be lost to us. We have erred in certain decisions, and they have come back to haunt us. Maybe it is time we call off this war, and make peace with the Pandavas...", Ashwatthama said to Duryodhana.

"Impossible!! We have not sacrificed our blood, sweat, and tears, just to admit defeat at the last hour, Ashwa!! You think your father, the great Dronacharya would approve? How can you even think of waving the white flag? There is still life within our ranks, and while I may not be fit enough to battle, you can lead our banner, and claim victory for the Kauravas", said Duryodhana.

Ashwatthama stood still, trying to absorb the responsibility that had been placed rather suddenly on his shoulders.

"Give me an order, Duryodhana!!"

Duryodhana, who was lying down, mortally wounded after his battle with Bheema, mustered his strength, and said - "Ashwa, you have the power to beat the opponent, your Sylon mani will keep you safe from injury, so I do not worry...but...I want a personal favour.....bring me his head.....BRING ME THE HEAD OF BHEEMA!!! Do this, and I can die in peace..."

Ashwatthama rose up, and with a scheming determination in his eyes, rode towards the surviving Kauravas to plot the end of the Pandavas once and for all.

The day's battle had ended, and as per the rules of war, the two sides would now use the evening and night to recover, and perform the last rites for their dead comrades. No camp would attack the other, and so far, this rule had not been broken.

Ashwatthama stood in the leader's tent, with Kripa and Kritavarma. The losses on both sides were immense and he knew that the war had to be ended as fast as possible, and then there was Duryodhan's last wish as well....

"Ashwa, the damage we have incurred is too much. At this rate we cannot sustain the war for long. Supplies are dwindling, and the soldiers are demotivated. Duryodhan's defeat has definitely had an effect on the morale of the troops. Tomorrow will be crucial, Ashwa, and we need you at your best", Kripacharya said.

Ashwatthama was quiet for a long while, and there was a tense silence in the air, and suddenly, the void was broken by a sinister, blood-curling laughter. Ashwatthama rose from his seat, and let out a laugh that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"Soldiers, supplies, morale.....Guruji, you are just as naive as always. It is no wonder that Duryodhan chose me to lead the ranks in his stead, and not his own guru. HA!!! This war has been dragged for too long. Those 5 pesky brothers and that...Krishna, have been too lucky for too long. You are right about one thing, guruji.....the war must end, but it will not end will end TONIGHT!! HAHAHAHAHA"

Kripacharya was aghast, it was against the rules of war, to engage the enemy after sundown. This rule had been duly followed, and even someone as vengeful as Duryodhan, had prohibited his men from plotting an attack after sundown. But Ashwatthama...he was not like the others. There was no understanding him. Even his own father, the great Dronacharya, found it difficult to control his son's impulses. And now, with him in the lead, there was no saying what he would do.

"Ashwa, you are suggesting we attack the Pandavas while they sleep??! Where is your honour?! Is this what you have learnt from me and your legendary father? NO, Ashwa, I will not allow this. You may be our new leader, but I am still your guru!! You will not step out of this camp."

Ashwatthama turned towards his guru, and looked dead into his aged, experienced eyes.

"This war has seen every rule being broken, but only when the Pandavas deemed fit. Have you forgotten, how they killed my DECEIT!! The great Bheeshma Pitamah, DECEIT!! If they can do it, in the name of Dharma, why not us?"

Kalki: The Beginning - AshwatthamaWhere stories live. Discover now