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Kat's pov

We knocked on the door, and Sam opened the door.

"Hey, come on in, do y'all want something to drink?" Sam stepped out  of the way and let us in.

"No, thank you," Tara said

"Everyone is outside playing basketball," Sam told her, making me a drink

"Thanks," Tara said as she walked outside

"Hey Nikki, do you want something to drink?" I ask as one of Sam's friends walked in.

"Hey, Sam," the boy said, walking to the fridge and getting a white claw

"Hey Colby, oh here, Nikki, here's your drink," Sam handed Nikki her drink

"Hey Kat, do you wanna come outside," Sam asked me

"Yeah," I followed him outside,

Nikki followed us outside, taking a hit on her vape.

Nikki's pov

Colby followed me and looked at me as I hit my vape.

"What?" I looked at him

"Nothing," He walked away

A few hours went by, and everyone was putting up birthday decorations for one of Sam and Colby's friends. As they got the drinks and presents ready, Colby came up to me.



Sorry for the short chapter and not updating 😅

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