Chapter Eighteen

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Two days went by as I wandered the grounds waiting for Aydrious to return– I couldn't help myself from exploring, being isolated was starting to get to me. I was anxious to return to my skin– to feel safe within the simplicity, so I walked. The entire area was no more than a few square miles. The giant lake I fell into when I first plunged into this world was directly in the center and surrounded by a meadow that was not exactly overgrown. Wheat and weeds were mixed in with flowers of many different shades of purple. They came to my waist as I waded through the densest parts. The wind merely a brisk breeze— the tall grass and foliage bent to its will. The sun heated my skin, not like Aydrious' fire, but small and gradual. A flashlight compared to his crashing meteor.

This beautiful place existed in his mind and was contradictory to the ferocity I felt under his skin. He dreamt every detail– right down to the insects traveling deep below the meadow, a side of him I needed to witness. At first I thought it was childish, the way everything was laid out– not seeming to make any sense, or maybe too much sense. Seeing it now, from the soft meadow– it blended pieces of me back together in harmony. Intentional– provoking a feeling, a piece of his soul. Aydrious was an artist– spilling his heart's secrets and every one of them called out to me. The details were breathtaking. The wicked and cruel prince held me here in paradise and I wondered if he made this place for me.

"It's all for you," I heard beside me. Startled, I turned to see Aydrious a few feet away– watching me. His mind reading felt heavy on my heart. My intuition didn't spark– but the potential hurt pulled at me... Had he been able to hear my thoughts?

He gazed at me through hooded eyes– his hands at his sides, his posture tall. The streaks of sun bounced off his aura– looking as if he were on fire, blazing hotter and brighter than this world he had created. He was the sun– scorching and spewing energy all over my own worlds as the hold he had over me grew stronger.

Feeling the magnetic pull on the breeze– I began gravitating towards him. A gust of wind blew through the meadow and I was put into a trance– sound blurred out into vibrations of nothing as his eyes traveled every inch of my body. I opted for a long flowing skirt today– the weather seemed temperamental. It was a perfect, early autumn day. Pairing the skirt with a simple tank top– I had draped a wool cardigan lazily off my shoulders. Just the right amount of coverage for the small chill starting in the air.

As he carefully looked me over, his smile grew bright and brilliant. I was lost to the emotion I felt seeing him stand here like a magnificent king.


The voice whispered in the back of my skull, quiet enough to be missed, but powerful enough to snap me out of his influence.

Before I could say anything, he cut me off. "I don't like to use that on you, but I just needed a minute to take you in." He was right, though I had not said it out loud, the thought of him controlling me like a puppet made my stomach turn.

"Are you ready to meet Raphael?"

Every word I had prepared to say to him drifted away. I was angry that he had left me here again, sad when he didn't send any more little touches. For two nights I had curled up on the couch– jumping at every little noise.

I had felt shameful thinking about our last encounter– the traces of warmth still coated my insides, but with time they had faded and I missed him in a way I could not describe– it was chaotic in my head with no foundation for control. My emotions set free; everything that ran through my body felt more intense– maddening, but seeing him now had it all quieting in my head.

The only sound left was the tiny whispered word that was still sneaking around inside. Mine– it made me shiver.

"Come," he urged, an arm outstretched to me.

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