Romania will win the euros
After the match Bianca waited for him to talk.Right besides her was sitting Bardenescu Pulvid(DvD old scund 2012),who was laughting at her big ass mustache and her leopard print tracksuit.Next to Pulvid there were Antonela,Șoșoacă,Callutah,Mirinda,Alaska,Anestezia and Vladimir.They were all eating a 2€ sandwich from the kiosk(they are poor).Bianca was patiently waiting for the Barça player to approach her.
After a few minutes they met behind the stadium.Bianca:-Bună,ești cel mai frumos bărbat pe care l-am văzut vreodată.Mărită-te cu mine.
(She doesn't speak English)
Alejandro:-Te quiero mucho.Eres mi amor.
(He doesn't speak English either)They were both stupid and didn t know how to play football.While they were kissing,the stupid ugly motherfuckers(Bianca's friends) were laughing while eating a sandwich.
~The End~