𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚊 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

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It had already been one hell of a day for you exhustion hit after a half hour of walking, running and hiding it was hell for you.

you had run away from home because your parents were arguing
with one and other.

your mum told your dad to leave and take you with him something you dreaded so much.

your dad cant even take care of himself never minde you.

you were told to pack your bags and get out with youre dad while you were in the middle of packing up your stuff
your mum barged into your room out of the blue and says "you are leaving this house with what you came into with this world nothing'' and snached your phone out of your hand.

you felt so numb you couldnt even cry or argue back you just picked up your old school bag and fancy designer hambag you have had for years with 2 jumpers A tshirt your headphone and laptop and drawing tablet and left without a word you were goan.

you sprinted down the stares as fast as you could almost falling you were so un perpared stumbling and almost breaking down.

you came up with a plan on the spot
but you knew you had to be cearful
because yokohama was a big place with all different types of people and creeps.

after all you were not originally from japan you are a westerner.

your plan was to finde a pawn shop and sell your laptop to them and any jewelry u had managed to grap outa your jewelry box.

you knew you needed money to survive so that was your only option because not many places want to hire 17 year olds for work.

you were making your way to the shoping center you tried to keep off the main streets as much as possible
to avoide the police finding you but you already know the police dont go that far for run aways.

as you were walking you heard your dad and little brother shouting your name y/n l/n where are you.

you panicked and stared walking faster and ended up pumping into your dad and brother and they tried to talk you into coming back but u
continued to walk away whilst your dad following trying to reason with you until he noticed your brother wasnt in sight.

your dad told you to stay there and went to see where your brother went you took your chance and ran as fast you could.

u kept running until u saw a side street you ran down it and looked arround to see some trees what u ended up using to hide .

u saw a gate wich took you on to the main street something u wanted to avoide.

then u heard your dad say "where the fuck did she go to" what forced you into making a fast decision.

you opend the wooden gate and went onto the man street closing the gate behinde you.

and started walking down the street you were looking around paranoid worrie filled your eyes as you looked behind you at the road.

your mums car was driving she was looking for you u went into the nearst store hiding from her.

you were far to noticable wearing neon blue what were you thinking
u decided to use a toilet to change into a tshirt and black leggings.

you waited and went when the coast was clear.

it didnt take you long to finde a pawn shop but when you pulled  your laptop out looking to sell it you were told the pawn stoped taking electronics years ago.

You panicked you thought you had hit a dead end until you remembered your jewelry so you decided to use that and got less than a weeks wages for it how disappointing you thought
But it's enough to do you for now.

wakasa imaushi x reader Where stories live. Discover now