in the bedroom

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W-W-WHAT ummm omg omg omg you says repeatedly in your head your
hands covering your face you almost couldn't believe what came out of wakasas mouth.

Wakasa grinned and rolled over on top of you looking at you flirtatiously
Almost seductive you were so turned on but got a grip of your self and says let's just sleep ok after all we Bearley know eachother.

Wakasa sighed disappointedly as you wish princess he moved off of you and had his back turned facing the wall away from you.

You felt as if you had made a mistake declining his sexual desire you were feeling bad but u shrugged it off and went to sleep next to him He's so warm you throught.

You snuggled up closer to him wrapping your arms around his waist Cuddling up close to him he gasped and turned around sorry I wasn't expecting you to get so close you apologised and moved away from him wakasa looked sad and moved closer to you and started Cuddling you back "please don't move let's just stay like this for a while please " he sounded like a child needing comfort it made ur hart skip a beat.

His face hidden in your chest as you brush your thingers through his hair you both slowly dose off to sleep.

Slowly opening your eyes you drowsily sit up and stretched yawning you look to your left to see wakasa still fast asleep.

You lie back down next to him admiring how handsome he looked while he was a sleep your face got closer to his your lips so close to touching you almost kissed him.

But before you could he opend his eyes giving you a fright wakasa asks "what were you doing" "Ha who me" you says with a stutter "yeah who else would I be talking to" he says with a flirtatious tone wich made you blush "I-i was checking to see if you were awake or not" you says with rushed words making wakasa chuckle in response looking at you seductively he says your to cute y/n he says teasingly.

His words made you blush you looked away from him "oh shut it wakasa" you says annoyed "It's to early in the morning to be dealing with you taking the piss".

You look at wakasa with he corner of your eye surprised at the shock on his face he puts his head down looking ashamed! .He almost like a sad cat it made your hart ache a little maybe he wanst taking the crap out of you aftrall you thought.

You put your hand out to touch his face but he quickly slapped your hand out of the away Don't Bother he says with an upset tone you didn't realise how much it hurt him that you thought so lowley of him.

Wakasa sat up and got out of the bed and left you alone with your thoughts you started shaking and crying with each tear came horrible thoughts you could not call your own.

Your like a different person inside your head.

At that moment You couldnt drown out your deamons they got so loud
You started looking for a sharp object you eventually found one a pice of metal from a can of juice
You sliced your skin with it finding comfort with each cut the feeling of the blood dripping down your arm silenced your minde.

You felt at pice for a shot moment the picefull feeling you got was addicting.

Bloody tissues cluttered wakasas bed room you panicked when you heard foot steps coming up stares
You rushed to hide the tissues you used to clean up the blood.

The door opend your hart racing beating uncontrollably you felt like you were gonna pass out it was shinichiro you sighed in relief "wakasa went out of the room earlier if your looking for him" you says a little out of breath.

Shinichiro says okay but you could tell he knew something wasn't right it made you panick again.

Before your could finde a long sleaved jumper wakasa opend the door so fast it banged off of the wall making you jump "WHAT ON EARTH WAKASA" you scared the shit out of me you says with a shocked and nervous tone.

"What are you up to shinichiro says there's something wrong and it made me worry he says there was blood on the wall next to my bin" "wakasa" you says "it's just some hot sauce" you says almost crying wich gave it away
"SHOW ME YOUR ARMS" wakasa says almost shouting sending you into a panicked attack.

sorry I didn't mean to I DIDNT MEAN TO I'm sorry you cried wakasa coverd his mouth and walked over to you and crouched down in front of you wrapping his arms around you "shuu it's ok I'm not angry I'm just upset why would you do that to your self" he asked with his eyes tearing up.

"I dont know why" you says still crying "come on we need to get your arm cleaned" he looked at it and gasped "what did you use to do that it's going to need some sort of stitches for crying out loud" he started rushing looking for a first aid kit shinichiro walked in "hear I found one" he looked at you and says " I saw your arm" ugh "you had no right telling wakasa" you spat "well I'm glad he did could end up passing out from blood loss because of that" like death you says wakasa didn't answer
He just looked at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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