14⋆ Tamed

168 32 16

Jungkook's POV

I know my father is a bastard, a vile human who doesn't deserve to live. He is past his expiry date. He has done shit tons of things I can never forgive him for, but I never knew, of all the things, he is also running a sex racket. That too, with a majority of minors? I am not a man of morals but even I draw a line, a line that separates children from illegality and violence who want nothing to do with it willingly. The only reason I accepted Taehyun and the other boys into the business was because they weren't doing anything extreme, and I knew they were aware what they were getting into. They weren't forced or fooled into the dark business. 

Every time I look at Yeonjun, the bandage on his neck and his words makes me tear my gaze away because it forces me to think, if what he said was really the truth. That me and my father were cut from the same cloth. I am not my father, I would never raise a hand over a woman, would gladly let my women guards do it, but I would never. That was one thing my mother taught me. 

But I also didn't hesitate before calling him a whore to be in that place where he was dragged by my father who would've done something that even the devil would find horrendous if not for my brother to save him. So, who is the one in the wrong here? Me? Who called him out for being in a situation which was my own father responsible for. Or him, who said my mother never deserved me because I am the same as the bastard who terrorized her every day. 

"Your father is the one in the wrong." 

Broken out of my thoughts, I was forced to look up to my puppy who for the first time looked calm and completely comfortable with his legs folded as he cuddled the cushion while blinking up at me like a doll. Pretty doll. 

"Did you start reading mind, peach?" I chuckled humorlessly at him as I brushed back his hair, watching him close his eyes like a pup, purring in happiness as he hummed. "No...You just...looked like you are thinking about what happened moments ago and, I think you feel like you did something...uh...horrible." He stammered over his words a bit, as if choosing a fitting word which made me think just how much love he has in him to give out so much. I don't think anyone would like to hear to the person who choked their closed, dear ones but here he is, even comforting me with his words.

How can someone not fall for him? He is sweet, sunshine while I am all dark and vile. We complete each other in a way though. Delusional much? That's what keeps me going when it comes to him. 

"But maybe I did. I just proved him that we are the sa-"

"No, you are not. I am....sorry, but...you need to listen to me." I wonder how much courage he needed to do that. It's cute when he gets all tough and stern, I like him like this too. "See, you are...a gangster and, being brutish or....a bit rough, it comes to you natural. You were raised between wolves so expecting you to act like a rabbit is..." Shaking his head he threw the cushion aside and forwarded his hands, actioning with it to make his point loud as he continued his sentence. "I mean, I don't think people would take someone serious if they aren't a bit, savage and....beast like in the world we currently are and especially your field." 

When he said it like that, it made me realize that he knows under all this gentleman act is an animal, a freak and yet, he stayed, didn't run away. If that isn't fucking bravery, then I don't know what is. With that, I might as well add he isn't a normal person, he is either too trusting or too courageous.

 "And I know Yeonjun, he isn't the best with people he doesn't know, it's hard for him to open up, cold and harsh nature is his shield against people. So, if you really ask me, your clash didn't really surprise me, yeah, the result did but not the fact that you two fought. He won't admit, but around you, he was always on eggshells as you reminded him of your father, that day too, the same thing happened and since none was around, he didn't have anyone to ground him. He was riding on pain and anger of past; you were the same." 

"But you both didn't know that the reason behind your pain and resentment was the same person. Tell me if I am wrong." 

He wasn't. In fact, his every word was nothing, but truth and I don't know what to do with it. Never has anyone laid out how I feel bare in front of me so I am now lost since I have no idea if I should be relieved that someone understands me, or should I be scared that someone understands me.

"Peach...you...I...you are...." I stuttered, for the first time in my life I stuttered as I tried to find words to describe what I was feeling and how much I was feeling. It felt like, someone tamed the beast inside me that was howling since years to be heard, to be seen as an existence and not just a violent force that should be erased, controlled or killed.  

He didn't ask me to control myself, nor did he judged or feared, he simply, understood why I am the way I am.

"Hyung! Shall I order take out?" Yeonjun's voice rang from the kitchen where he went to find something to eat and instead of replying I saw Taehyung himself placing orders for food delivery which made me chuckle. 

"No need! I have already ordered! Just come here and rest!" The way he was to the boys, it made me think he would be a loving and caring parent. Well, I can be the strict one between us. 

Seeing how everything was settled now, and it was time for bed, I decided to take my leave. I need to clear my mind. "I should get going now." I muttered and was going to stand up when he grasped my hand in urgency surprising me. 

"Uh-..." He looked nervous as he pulled back his hand, fiddling with the thread of cushion as he looked up at me, his bambi eyes wider than ever. "I think....you should stay the night. It's dark and late now....it's dangerous." His words made me smile because we both know if there's anything dangerous in the dark outside, it would be me. 

"Sure...if you say so." 

If anything, the real danger for me is inside, right in front of me, blinking slowly like a puppy. 

My puppy. He would be the death of me. 


I have many pleasant mornings in my life. From getting a good sleep to hearing my enemies' demise as the first thing but none of them prepared me for this morning. 

The first thing I saw after opening my eyes was none other than my puppy sitting in front of me with a book in his hand wearing a white large shirt. The morning ray of sunshine was falling on his face giving him a golden glow as he pushed his glasses up on his nose bridge, he looked like a character you will in animations. So, unreal. The fringes radiating a copper like shine as they waved at me when the wind blew at him made me want to tuck them behind his ears and brush there lightly with my lips. His eyelashes, every time they move like the slow movement of a butterfly's wings, they stir something in my heart. 

I can stare at him for as long as I have eyes, when I won't have them anymore, I will trace his face with my fingers and see him with my touch. Feeling the delicacy of his skin to the bump of his cupid's bow lips, I would pinch his chin to get my mouth on his to taste him, to quench my thirst, to let the fate know a man filled with sin can possess heaven too if he desires it by heart. 

His lips reading the words, every time they move, they tug a string to my heart. Every gasp he takes, his lips parting with his pink tongue peeking out, it makes me feel like a ravage animal constrained in chains. I want to be the one to bite onto his lush lips until they have my teeth mark on them, then I want to suck on them, lick them and swallow every breath he takes in my mouth, I want to breath in his air and make him forget who's air he is breathing in. 

"Jungkook?" And I want to hear him call me like I belong to him for every life. 

"Yes, my peach?" 

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