Chapter 5

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''No way!"

''Yes way!"

You laughed while your sister is in a huge disbelief after you told her about your meeting with Carrie and she's shocked that she still remembers Charlie as well.

''How is she doing right now? She's good, right?'' she asked you through your phone and you can hear the sounds of pans through the phone. Turned out you called your sister while she's cooking dinner. ''yeah, she's doing well. She told me to tell you that she also missed you''

Carrie did meet your sister after she heard her answer to your confession and urged you to get her to come over.

''What about your other patients?'' ''some of them are interesting but none of them bothered me'' you sigh softly ''i've met other interesting people. Some are nice, others are assholes'' like how a stupid doll tried to stab you with a fork when you were having lunch. Randy wasn't with you at that time because he left to eat his lunch as well.

''The fuck?'' you look down and see a ginger haired doll scratching your leg with a fork. His smirk fade when he realized that you're not even reacting ''you're boring'' he huff and stops what he's doing ''i wanna stab you but I don't want Andy getting hung up in my ass- hey! Hey! What the fuck?! Put me down!"

You grab the doll by the back of it's collar and place it on your desk ''how did you get into my office?'' he glare at you, not liking how you're talking to him. Well it did sound like you're talking to a child instead of a grown ass man who's in a body of a doll. ''And you're the one who took my fork, no wonder why it's missing''

The doll glance at your food before he look back at you ''I found the door open and the office was empty so I decided to camp here before someone comes in so I can scare them. In the end, the waiting was all for nothing'' he looked like a child pouting for not getting what they wanted and you refrained yourself from making any comment that might anger him since you didn't want to deal with another headache ''i apologize for my lack of reaction then''

He scoff ''stop talking like that. You remind me of that stupid cannibal'' you tilt your head ''who-'' ''doesn't matter! I need your help-'' ''i'm not going to help you escape'' he groan in annoyance when you also cut him off ''it's not that! I just wanna see someone'' ''who?'' ''my son''

You pause ''your son? I was told your kid is genderfluid'' he roll his eyes ''you think I don't know that? I consider him as my son and Tiff considers him as her daughter'' once again, he let out a huff ''so are you helping me or what?'' you stand up and wrap your arms around him and hold him close to your chest ''sure'' he groan in annoyance ''i have legs you know?''

''I know'' you bluntly reply ''but your legs are short and you'll slow me down. If you want to see your son, we have to hurry before that Andy guy you mentioned or whoever is watching over you will show up and take you back to your cell'' he let out an 'oh' ''yeah, that's kinda smart''

Leaving the office with the doll in your arms, you felt something tug your shirt which made you look down and see the doll holding your name tag. ''(name) (last name)... Tiff told me about you'' he put the name tag back on your shirt ''and who are you?''

He smirk ''i'm Chucky and I'm your friend to the end. Hidi-fucking-ho. Remember it, doll'' you walk upstairs as you speak ''i remember my cousin playing with a doll like you when she was a kid and I secretly broke it and burn it somewhere in a forest'' Chucky snicker ''and why did you do that?'' 

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