1. This first theme is written almost as freestyle as it gets. it leans towards the thriller side... but it could be written in anyway! This is one for writers that are looking for a detailed plot already given to them and make it their own,because everyone sees things differently!I'm excited to see what you guys will do with this!(: Love you all!! ·Tator¤Tot·
Freestyle: All that's left of my life is this box, I'm running through a burnt down forest; in hope that he doesn't find me- but more importantly doesn't find what's inside of this box. Then, there he is. Standing still as a tree.. so, I toss inbox into the river and jump after it, opening it for the very first time to reveal it's contents, while holding it in the water...
I am breathless at what I see in here... and the waterfall will reach soon. He stands at the side of the river and smiles... he knew all along. What would you do?? Would you choose him or the waterfall? And what exactly is inside the box? Who is the man? Be creative!! Have fun! (: ·Tator¤Tot·Don't forget, due on July 14,2015! (Next Tuesday)
Other themes are on the next pages »
Importantly, DONT FORGOT to private message THIS ACCOUNT with your final piece and your title!! If you would like your name on there, go for it, if anon, just say so (:
Themes and Winners!!!!
PoetryThis is where all the themes and topics will be posted! Also, once the winners are chosen, they will be posted here! All entries (unless otherwise posted) will also have their poems posted here, because we want to share your lovely work with the wo...