14 years old

12 0 0

She stepped off the train with her suitcase in her hand and her backpack on her back. She would be here for a whole school year. She had mixed feelings. For the first time she felt free and safe. But she also felt like she was betraying her 18-year-old brother. He had been diagnosed with PDD-NOS, a syndrome associated with autism. He always acted younger than he was. He would understand less than many other people. But he was loyal and had always protected her. And now she felt she had betrayed him. She had been chosen for her school's exchange programme, a boy who went to a school in Amsterdam would go to Maastricht, which meant she would spend a year in Amsterdam.

She looked at the letter she had received for the first time. Dr. Cornelis Rudolphus Baron Krayenhoffstraat 25. was the address. She was to live in the house of John and Marlous Veenman, Marion had arranged it. The man was a detective. So she could learn from him. Because she wanted to be one as soon as possible. She left the famous station. She walked aimlessly for a while and realised she was lost. She tried to ask for directions, but the people in this city were loud, rude and unhelpful.

She turned another corner. She was in the Kalverstraat. She saw a police car at the end of the street. She walked over to it. They would help her. She knocked on their window. The policeman was a man with short black hair. Brown eyes, a button nose, small lips that smiled kindly. The other was a woman. With long brown hair similar to hers. Blue eyes, a long pointy nose. "Can we help you miss?" the man asked. "I'm a bit lost," she admitted.  

"Where do you have to go? It will be dark soon, and a young pretty thing like you should not be out in the city after dark. He said. "No flirting with a minor Willems," said the women. "Your heroic Jansen," he replied. Eva smiled. "I have to go here," she said, showing her letter. "This is John's place, isn't it?" the officer named Jansen said. "You're more than a little lost." her college added. Jansen tapped a button on her dashboard. "1030 to 1016," she said. "1016 listening," came out of her speaker. "John. We have your young house guest here in the Kalverstraat. It's getting late, why don't you pick her up?" she said. "Will do Sharon. See you soon," she heard a new click.

"So where did they take you from?" Jansen asked. "Maastricht. My neighbour Marion knows I want to be a detective one day, so she arranged it. " she explained. Within 15 minutes a seemingly normal car pulled up. "You must be Eva." A young brown-haired man said. She nodded. "Your trading up John," his blonde partner said with a grin. "Your little brother isn't much to look at." The man added, grinning. "Shut up." John said. "Hop in, I'll drop you off." He said. Eva got into the back seat, "Excited about your year in the big city?" John's partner asked, looking at her through the rear-view mirror. She nodded. She didn't really like the city, but she was excited about the freedom.  

After a 10-minute drive, they stopped at an average block of flats. "Here we are." John said. "Here's my key. If Marlous says anything, just tell her Mr Detective gave it to you," John said. "In the doghouse again, Johnny?" his partner asked. "So glad I'm single," the man added. Eva walked over to the front door and opened it with the key. "Didn't I tell you not to come home early?" she heard a woman scream. And a second later, the owner of the voice showed her face. "How did you get in? I warn you, my husband is a policeman," she said, picking up her phone. "He gave me his key and said to tell you Mr Detective gave it to me. I am Eva," she said, holding out her hand. The woman relaxed and took the phone back. "The exchange student?" she asked Eva nodding her head. "I'm sorry, dear. Lots of burglaries these days and the perpetrators are getting younger every day. I'm Marlous." She said.

School started the next morning. She was enrolled at Nicolaas Lyceum. It was a huge school with thousands of students. Of all shapes and sizes. There were dozens of doors. And dozens of teachers, nothing like the Bonefante College where she came from. A school where everyone knew everyone else. She looked around, she was supposed to join the class in room 206, but she couldn't find her way. "Not lost, are you?" she heard behind her. Startled, she turned around. A smiling girl stood behind her, she looked a little younger than Eva, about 13 years old. She had blonde curly hair, blue eyes and a thin smile. "Very lost." Eva said. "Let me see," the girl said. "Yikes, maths with Jagersma. You poor thing," the girl said. "I'm Fleur, by the way." the girl introduced herself. "I'm Eva." she replied. "Class 206 is up the stairs, third door on the left. You know where to go." Fleur said. "Won't you be late then?" Eva asked. "Meh, I have a room at home, I'll just say I had a flat tyre. Works every time." Fleur said and walked Eva to her class.  

the Cops of Maastricht: EvaWhere stories live. Discover now