Woah and then they make out the end

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Draco attempts to apologize but breaks down and then they make out and then Rita Skeeter catches them making out again.


I don't know what I'm doing at this point chat

As Draco entered the Great Hall, he found it bustling with people, excitement and happiness around every turn. Not something he was quite used to as of late.

McGonagall had replaced the House tables but no one was sitting according to house, it was the most interwoven Draco had ever seen the place. He easily spotted Potter, he was surrounded entirely by happy people looking to congratulate or thank him.

A shame really, Draco still needed to apologize.

Draco's stomach still felt twisted in knots, it almost hurt to move now that it was over. He couldn't tell if it was lasting problems from the Cruciatus curse or if it was nervousness or just-

He didn't know.

If he was honest Draco was lucky he wasn't on his way to Azkaban, but in the end Harry Potter was the only reason he wasn't. He had vouched for both him and his mother, so now not only did he have to apologize he had to thank him. His father only made it out of imprisonment because he was helping with the search to find the few Death Eaters that escaped.

The ministry wasn't without a leader, Kingsley Shacklebolt had been appointed acting Minister Of Magic. Draco had his trial in front of him, it was terrifying but the Minister himself was there and saw Draco fighting so that certainly helped his case.

If Draco was entirely honest he didn't want to go back to his parents, they had both been proud of being dark wizards even before Draco went to Hogwarts. Draco had been too but he was young and stupid, he didn't know the reality of it all.

"Draco." Draco jumped at the sound of a voice he knew but couldn't place. He whipped around and found himself face to face with Luna Lovegood.

"Ah- Hello, Lovegood." He said, rubbing his arm awkwardly.

Lovegood smiled at him, "Hi! Have you done what you said you would yet?" She asked, surely wondering about Draco's apologies.

"No, look at him, he's been swamped for ages, I can't get him alone." Draco sighed, Potter had spared him glances and seemed to wish to talk to him as well but it seemed fate wouldn't allow it.

"Yes, I've noticed too." Lovegood looked at Potter, putting her arms behind her back and shifting from foot to foot. "He wants to talk to you."

"Does he-?" Draco said, despite his assumption he wouldn't guess Potter would have managed to get alone enough to tell anyone.

"Yes, you can tell, can't you? He's just too polite to let anyone know he wants to be alone." Lovegood smiled, she was very strange compared to anyone Draco had ever met. He couldn't help but enjoy her presence, maybe that was just because she practically saved Draco's life though.

"I've noticed." Draco said, covering his frown with his hand, Lovegood still smiled though.

"I have a feeling he'll be alone around before dinner, if you should find him." She said and Draco looked at her curiously, how she knew that he supposed no one would know.

"Thank you, not just for this, but many other things." Draco said, looking away as he did.

"Of course, don't you worry yourself Draco." She said and with that she was gone.

Draco stood there for a few moments before Neville walked past Draco. "Strange one isn't she?" He said, but then said nothing else, continuing on his way.

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows but if Draco was less horridly stupidWhere stories live. Discover now