~Rush's True Meal~

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*Rush is laying on his bed, very hungry his stomach growls*

Rush: Ngh, i'm starvin', those regular meals aren't doing shit.

*Rush then gets up from his bed and he walks out the door, he then walks to the hallway to meet Seek*

Seek: Oh hey, Rush, how's it goin'? *I smile*

Rush: Uhm, it's doing great... Just chillin' like always.~

Seek: Ohh okay, same here, Figure just came here and gave you this. *hands Rush the Nami figurine*

Rush: Ohh thankss I've always wanted this!~

*Rush's stomach is still growling loudly, then he looks at Seek like he wanna swallow him whole*

Seek: Uh... Rush, why are you looking at me like that?... *nervous*

*Rush charges at Seek*


*Rush then grabs Seek then he swallows Seek whole from head to toe*

*As Seek travels down to Rush's stomach, he struggles to get out of Rush's stomach, he also feels slight pain from the stomach acid*

Rush: Mmmm, if I knew you tasted that good, I would've eaten ya sooner~ *hic* *rubs my slight big belly* Now where was I?

Rush: Oh yes, my meal is not done yet, so ima look for the others.

*Rush then charges into the lounge, Eyes, Screech, and Halt are there*

Halt: Howdy, Rush! *looks down at your stomach* Woah, are you pre-

Eyes: Shut up, Halt! *turns to Rush* Э, как дела, приятель? (Uh, how are ya, bud?)

*Rush is tensing up a little from hunger*

Screech: 문제가 무엇입니까 ?? (What is the problem??)

*Rush lunges at Eyes first*



*Rush swallows Eyes whole, he then swallow Screech and Halt whole, all three travel down to Rush's stomach, meeting Seek in there*

Seek: I'm guessing he gobbled y'all up too?..

Screech: Not sure what's wrong with him.

Rush: *rubs my bigger belly* Mmmhh, both of y'all will be part of my ass soon.~ *hic, hic!* Now for the last one, Figure, and stop moving so much in there!!~

*Rush then dashes to the library*

Rush: Figure!!~ Great to see ya here!

Figure: Great to see ya too, Ru- *realizes* oh right... I can't see..

Rush: Dinner time!!!~ *grabs Figure*

Figure: Wait wha-

*Rush then swallows Figure whole, which leaves Rush very much bloated and gassier*

Rush: Mmmhh~ *sits down, rubbing my very bloated belly while the others struggling to get out* Ugh, stop squirming around so much, ya sluts!~

*Rush lets out a loud burp*

Rush: Aaahhh, that felt soo good. Time to digest.~

*He digests the entities he ate, digesting their flesh, bones, and everything else except their clothes and accessories*

*Rush then lets out a louder burp, so loud that every entity can hear Rush from any room. Expelling the clothes/accessories out of him and his stomach turns back to normal again*

Rush: *looks down at the things on the floor* Heh, *Grabs Eyes' Russian flag patch* Guess I can't digest clothes, eh?~

Rush: *takes a look at my ass, blushes hard* Holy shit, my ass grew 2x bigger.~ *jiggles it*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2024 ⏰

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