Ch 17: Destroying the Destroyer (2/2)

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[A/N: Yo, author here. Now i know that [Y/N] is starting to appear less and less throughout the story, and forgive me if i already said this but it's mainly because i suck, and i do mean suck at making original content, so if you were here expecting something original, im sorry to disappoint you.

But hey, if you want something a bit more original, i recommend Lost_Naito and his Konosuba book, which has the reader become Megumi Fushiguro, and unlike potential man, he actually tames Maho! Go check that book out, his most recent chapter referenced my [Y/N], so that's nice 👍

Though, regarding my Itadori/Sukuna book, i have one little problem...

Im not sure if i can do Sukuna as a character justice, because i really just can't have him pulling a Megumi. I'll try to figure it out but again, if you're expecting some original content, i sincerely apologize..

Aaand that's it, i probably forgot something else i wanted to say but oh well. Enjoy the chapter!]

Having suddenly lost its legs, the mobile fortress crashed into the ground with a big bang!

After its bottom part hit the plains, it slid toward the town with its forward momentum.

But the giant sliding object didn't hit the barricade placed before the town, stopping right before Darkness who was standing at the very forefront.

The legs shattered into bits with the sound of explosions and rained down onto the heads of the adventurers.

The side Wiz was responsible for didn't have anything raining down, her explosion having blown the pieces into dust.

On the other hand, there were several large pieces of debris falling here and there on Megumin's side.

Which meant...

Megumin: "Ugh... It's regrettable... As expected of a lich. Seems my level isn't high enough to win against Wiz's explosion magic..."

Megumin, who was lying face down on the ground, mumbled, seemingly displeased.

Kazuma helped that frail body to get up, and Megumin, who had exhausted her mana, said with a pale face:

Megumin: "I, I don't want to lose... Next, next time... I'll definitely...!"

Kazuma: "There, there. You did great. Wiz is a powerful lich, it's normal that she bested you. Just work harder next time. Look, we accomplished our objective, well done."

Kazuma was planning to carry her to a tree for a rest, but the pale Megumin refused to let him go.

Megumin: "Once more...! Another chance! I'll definitely prove my explosion is the strongest...!"

Kazuma: "Let, let go, stop that! Don't pull my pants! I get it, you're the best in terms of explosion! It must be because of something, that's right, because your condition wasn't too good! All right, when you recover your mana, I'll look at your explosion spell, so rest quietly in a safe place!"

He placed Megumin under the shade of a tree and laid her down. As the other adventurers were dodging the falling debris, Aqua and Wiz came to his side.

As for Darkness, she wasn't fazed by the falling debris and didn't move away, her eyes wide open.

When he raised his head to watch the gigantic body of the Destroyer, the fortress remained silent.

When the debris pelting down like rain drops stopped, the adventurers finally calmed down enough to grasp the situation, gasping in awe.

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