Alexander Dynamite (Purple City):

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My girl and I were eating Chinese food in our huge mansion we had brought together. Macey sleeps in a room across from me. We have a built in movie theater, a pool, and  a virtual golf stimulator. We have a huge library, where we let people visit, a huge backyard, and  gargoyles ( who has the power to move their eyes) on our front porch.

Macey keeps up with other property, and owns a lot from all the "vigilante money" that she had earn, and tthe superheroes think that we steal, which I mean is kind of true, considering we have evil genes in our bones. Macey's mansion is about as big as mine, same amenities, but lives there only during the weekends- a Robot helps and  guards her mansion to make sure it is well kept together. It was a dreary day in Purple City, as we were eating our delicious meal that our Robot had made for us. I heard the cars driving, and honking their horns. I had gotten a call from our good friend, Christopher. Christopher automatically knew it was him because I put him on the speaker phone, and  she knew from the tone of his voice.

"Christopher, my man, what's up?!" I shouted with glee, "My girlfriend and I are eating Chinese food. Wanna join us?" Christopher laughed on the phone.

"I have other things to do. There is this son of a bitch named Dragon Magical, who's supposably a here and is on the loose as always. Have you heard of him?" In fact I haven't heard of that "son of a bitch, Dragon. " Something about what he said made me laugh, but I didn't for fear it might insult his condition.

"Well," he said, "Have your girlfriend look up the news." Macey went to pull up a random article on her phone. She read:

"We have a superhero on the loose, and his name is Dragon Magical! He had saved a bank heist, under The Controlment of The God, and his manipulation only lasts for a little while as there is so much he can do... In the newspapers, they described who Dragon is. Dragon is basically described as his name: he's a dragon. But, with a twist, he's from space. He is part of the Superhero Universe, who are mostly poor citizens, and  being controled by no God. Macey trailed off. Then, Christopher got the courage to say on the speaker phone:

"Well, that was my friend who got in trouble. His name is Victor. Victor Nova, who had just earned some weird power. " Victor Nova was the one to do the bank heist, and he claims he's The God's favorite, and how Mr. Alberto Brutal made a good choice choosing him to be a villain. I am an everyday plain Jane of a villain, though, who earns his or hers powers they are granted it by The Goddess, and passed to The God. In the long run, if The Goddess loves you, she grants you all the power and  grants you some more wealth.

Victor Nova once lived in space from a planet called Novamites, and then landed in Purple City, surrounded by all the riches that he got away with (he has the power to manipulate minds). He just became part of The Villains Corporation Inc!™, can turn into a talking llama. Like Dragon, he's come from space, and his Mom granted him some unique powers- we call him Llama Man. I gulped. Of course, this would be his typical friend, Victor Nova.

"That son of a bitch, Dragon, put him in custody, and I'm gonna try and bail him out, as they say: he can fight the manipulation, but only for a short while!" His voice seemed like he had the voice of victory.

"Wanna help out?" I don't know why, but something about that idea seemed like, well, a good idea.

"Sure man. I'll help out. I'll do anything for you. You saved my girl, afterall. Right Macey?"

Macey agreed, and she didn't even know what we were talking about. As I stared at my girl Macey, I realized she had wonderful short and purple hair, glasses with leopard spots on them, liked wearing the color orange, and sometimes had her hair in pigtails if she could do them. She also loved to wear dresses most of the time with black sandals— she looked at me, as I was totally checking her out, and she blushed, knowing I was checking her out.

"We're gonna bail his friend, Victor Nova, out of jail. Hun, you stay home. We've got this. We're gonna try to do this tomorrow."

"That sounds like a good plan, Stan. I'm going to hang out with my bestie, Annabella. We're going to a salon, and get our nails done." Annabella was part of The Villains Corporation Inc!™, meeting her way before Christopher. Annabella turned into lava, and came from a planet called Lava Island, a secret island in Hawaii, and lives with the Lava People.

"Sounds perfect, sweet. I think you need a girls night. Christopher and I are making sure that you are protected from Dragon. If there is any issue tonight, call my friend Chester Can's. Chester Can's is friends with Christopher too, and she has the strength of a steel table." I gave Macey Chester Can's phone number (oh Chester's Can's super- vigilante power is turning into cans like a Coca- Cola can. Her powers were granted by a scientist named Blueberry Dawson of Purple City. Dawn, her boyfriend, are cute together, and he has the power of turning different powers, and I think we all get along just fine).

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