Macey Penelope McRhymes (Purple City):

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 We were getting our nails done, well pedicured. Me and my friend were on the chair, as our nail artist was doing our feet. My friend, Annabella Rice, was reading The Purple City Times. She always wanted to keep up to date with The Purple City Times, and  she did this the old fashioned way by reading the physical news paper (she hates the phone/ technology).

She read the newspaper:

"It says here: Christopher tried to bail his friend, Victor, out of jail with an unknown stranger. The stranger was wearing all black, covering his face. Alexander Dynamite used this weird substance that harmed the police to break his friend out of jail, and couldn't stop him in time."

I clenched my teeth together. Keep it together. Don't get too mad at what the damn paper says.

"Your boyfriend and Christopher, oh how I sympathize for them, but it is impossible to catch them. I need to stop reading this shit." When our nail appointment was done, we went to Purple City Cafe. It was a hot spot for local city residents. As we were waiting for our drinks to be served (my favorite, caramel macchiato, mmmmh), a tall lean mysterious man walks in. His name? Dragon. Annabella stared at Dragon, no wait scowled at Dragon. I pinched her in the arm. A hero had worked in the cafe, and always gave us "villains" the evil eyes who he despise. Of course, there is no way he can bail us out.

"What the hell, Macey Penelope McRhymes?!" She yelled. Dragon whipped his head in our direction. Dragon smirked, evil smirked. Just then, a woman entered Purple City Cafe. It was a woman I recognized, Chester Can's— Christopher's and Alexander's friend who can transform into a Coca- Cola can or any can imaginable. I was not expecting her company here today. I smiled and waved my hand at Chester Can's. Annabella smiled too, and she blushed.

I've been friends with Annabella for many years, considering she's my best friend. She has beautiful long brown hair with a grey stripe, brown eyes, glasses, and likes to wear pink dresses. We both had this in common, our fashion senses. I like to wear orange, and  she likes to wear pink. She likes alternitive metal, and I like country which is my favorite genre. Furthermore, with our music styles, we kind of fell in love with a new rising folkore band called City Purple who has alternitive metal, and country mixed together. And Annabella sure has the brains, an engineer, who she got that quality trait from her parents. She inherited her parents mansion, and knows how to take care of herself well; however, she kind of lacks common sense.

"What up, Chester?" Annabella said happily, eating a croissant. Annabella and Chester also kind of has a close bond. Annabella is bisexual, she once had the "hots" for Chester, and when she found out he began to date a woman, she was a bit sad for weeks, so much so she even created a song about her love for Chester. I remember when she sang it:

"I remember there was a time I liked a man,
And imagined dating him,
And oh The God, he was for the win-
So powerful, and so handsome!
But then he walked out of my world,
With another girl."

As she wrote the song, she thought of sending it to famous music studios, but decided against it, as she felt like it was too embarrassing in the end, and did not want to embarrass Chester as he was kind of famous, but I am glad she showed it to me, and it's such a vibe.

"Not much– I am just making sure I am protecting you guys— I tracked Dragon here for you, to make sure he doesn't stir trouble." I roll my eyes, Christopher and my boyfriend are way too protective. Sometimes I like that, sometimes I do not.

That was the number reason why she loved Chester , is because he was protective and  all, and found it cute that Christopher and Alexander wanted her to protect us, and  Chester happily obliged, even though he was dating someone, but he stayed true to friendship.

"Oh Chester nnabella and I are quite fine. He met us at a cafe, Purple City Cafe." I said. Annabella stared at the floor, blushing. She still had the hots for him, believe it or not, but she tried to push that thought aside, as he's dating a woman now (she is beautiful, we admit, but she has a long nose, and  a lot of people do not like that feature about her). I rolled my eyes extra as Annabella was being shy at it's finest, but with all fairness, I felt like she was giving her feeling out way too easily. Our friend group is kind of cheesy at it's finest.

"Anyways," Chester had asked, "Can I get you gals a coffee, on the house?" He looked like he regretted saying that as he has a girlfriend, and  probably felt like he was cheating on her, even for a short minute, and a half.

"No, I'm allset." Annabella had said.

"Well, I am going to grab some hot milk tea, and a nice Mochi ice cream. They have delicious Mochi here, and  the owners are so sweet..." Chester Can's trailed off. 

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