Drunk. 🍺

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quick a/n:

my new book came out so go read if you want ! ❤️

in which: y/n dating matt, y/n getting drunk at a party.

hope you enjoy! ily 😜


I went over to the closet and grabbed my black dress slipping it on really quick while matt was upstairs. I quickly did my hair and did light makeup for madison beers party.

I hear footsteps walking up closer to the door, it's matt. He opens the door to see me finishing my lashes. I see him wearing a black long sleeve and white pants with a white tie. (I hope you know what outfit I'm talking abt)

"You look great y/n." He says coming over to me and kissing me on my head.

"Thanks Matthew." I smile at him, putting my makeup away.

"Mhm." He says smiling back.

*time skip*

I hopped in the passenger seat as matt got in the drivers seat. Chris and nick in the back.

A few minutes later we got to the party. I heard the music from the outside of the building.

We got out and started to go inside. I immediately saw madison. I gave her a hug and I found some friends.

"Heyy y/n!" Y/f/n (your friends name) says.

"Hey." I say back smiling.

"Get a drink." She smiles and moves out the way of the mini fridge.

I go up to the fridge and grab a vodka.

*matts pov*

After the party is over, I go to grab y/n with her friends.

"Time to go now y/n/n." I say

"I knowwwwww." She says stumbling slightly.

I sigh and chuckle a bit helping her to the car with Nick and chris.

"What the fuck happened?" Nick says with a laugh.

"You'll never fucking guess." I say sarcastically as I start to drive home.

*time skip*

As we finally walk inside, we take off our shoes and me and y/n walk downstairs to our room.

"You good y/n/n?" I ask her as she stumbles.

"Yeahhhhh." She says smiling.

"You don't seem like it." I laugh at her as we walk into our room.

"Ok, let's get you changed." I say grabbing a sweatshirt and her nike pros for her.

I pull her shirt off, helping her out the sweatshirt on.

"Think you could put this on yourself?" I ask her holding it out smiling.

"Yes, I'm not a fucking baby." She says.

"Ok mrs cranky." I laugh and hand them to her.

She then gets up and goes to change, I change as well.

A few minutes later she comes back in my room, stumbling a little bit.

"Jeez y/n. You are gonna hit your fucking head calm down." I smile.

She just sighs and lies down next to me.

"Let's watch a movie." I say grabbing the remote, turning on the tv.

"You pick." I smile.

"Finding nemo." She smiles at me.

"Ok" I smile back.

After the movie gets put on, I pull the blankets over us.

"I love you y/n." I say kissing her head.

"I love you more matt." She smiles.

Half an hour later, shes sound asleep in my arms.



hate this sm bc I am so tired rn and I need to get something out for you guys (gimme ideas in the comments pls😜) anyway hope you enjoyed ilyy❤️

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