6. Accusations

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Apologies for the slight delay, I'm on both a hurricane watch and a tornado watch.


Stephanie's POV

A small gasp leaves my lips as the brunette and I enter a small restaurant. Instead of the building being your traditional restaurant, it is tropical themed. They have somehow made it look tropical yet not tacky. Believe me, that is really hard to do.

Upon entering the restaurant, I am met with smooth hardwood flooring. The latest pop hits lowly emit from the hidden speakers. A large circular bar rests in the middle of the building—The walls of it appear to be made of bamboo while the surface of it appears to be made of straw. My eyes are drawn to the large plasma televisions that rest above said bar. Each television plays a different channel, ranging from cartoons to sports. Many bamboo booths rest around the restaurant, sleek white cushions resting on the wooden seats. The tables all seem to be made of the same bamboo material.

Waitresses and servers rush around the restaurant in normal clothes. The only things that separate them from the customers are both their name tag that is pinned to their shirt and their apron. The apron is similar to that of a belt, numerous pockets hanging from the front of it.

Off to the right of the bar is a set of double doors that lead out toward a beach. The crowded beach is visible through a large glass pane that is attached to each of the doors.

As much as I hate to say it, I do not completely hate this place. The restaurant I mean. I still hate this stupid state. Seriously, what is there to even do here?!

I hum, "And here I was think that you were going to bring me to a Waffle House." I comment.

Marsden does not respond to my comment. She settles for simply rolling her eyes at me as an older lady approaches us. I take note of the large smile on the woman's face and the knowing look in her eyes.

The woman walks up to us and wastes no time pulling the green-eyed girl in for a hug. I am taken aback by how close the two girls seem. This surprise does not falter as the woman pulls away from Marsden, pressing a short kiss to each of the girl's cheeks.

Okay, am I crazy or am I just interrupting something? Seriously, I can leave if they need me to.

As if suddenly realizing that I am standing here as well, the older woman turns to face me. A fake, tight-lipped grin makes its way onto my face. The woman counters my fake smile with a real one.

"Hi, I'm Angie—I'm the owner." She greets. "You're Stephanie, right?" She asks.

I hum, my fake smile not once falling.

The owner is amused by my response, or lack there of. She turns away from me to face the brunette again. "Wow! So, you really weren't lying when you said that she was interesting?"

Marsden smiles and brings a finger up to point at the woman, "Technically, I said that she was a spoiled rich girl with no manners."

Angie, the owner, rolls her eyes. "Same difference." She waves off.

I find myself staring at the brunette-haired girl. Deep dimples grace the once smooth skin of her cheeks. I did not know that she had dimples. Though, the longer that I think about the topic it makes sense. Her mother and her father have dimples as well. I guess that I should have pieced that together sooner. Nonetheless, they look nice. They enhance her physical appearance in the best way.

Wait, hold on. Has she been talking about me behind my back?!

"Uh, in case you both forgot, I'm still standing here." I announce with slight annoyance and impatience.

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